Flight home

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Maddy’s P.O.V.

I put the final thing into the case and zipped it up. I guess Cameron had a change on plan. Why wouldn’t he let me kill Michael? The whole world would have been a better place with one more psychopath dead. I sat onto the bed and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I had put 2 tops of mine and 2 jeans and the necessary bra and knickers. I did the same for Cameron and put his boxers in. I packed the toothbrushes and my sprays and shampoo.

He came back in the room, his green eyes still stood out even though his eyes were weary.’ Cameron, clothes, toiletries and necessary things’ I said and stood up. He came closer and kissed me gently on the lips. I looked up at him.

‘What was that for?’ I asked.

‘Can’t a guy kiss a beautiful woman just because he wants to’ he said and picked up the suitcase. Wrapping his hand round the handle he grabbed my hand and we walked out the room that I had somehow become to call home. The room where I had been slapped and punched, raped and everything like that and I could still call it home. Cameron carried the suitcase downstairs and out the door followed by me. I took a last glance at the kitchen, the lounge and the door that led to the basement. All the pictures on the walls of me, the stalker of a father. The work bench which held all of Michael’s torture weapons.

‘Maddy, come on. Our flight is soon’ he said and pulled me outside. He locked the door and chucked the key into the bushes.

‘Flight, what flight?’ I asked. This is not good. I can’t fly. There’s like a strict line between me and flying. I remember flying with my dad to America. Mam and dad had an apartment in New York that they bought for their holidays. Dad took me there once and it didn’t go well. I had a massive headache on the plane and I was sick and there was so much turbulence that I was positive the plane was going down. Never again.

‘Maddy, I didn’t kill your father; he’s in New York right now. I told him to go to his apartment. I told him that if I could I would save you because I loved you. He of course stood his ground and said he wasn’t leaving but I had to make him if I could keep him safe. I’m sorry I kept it from you’ he said and looked down at the ground. I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him.

‘Thank you’ I whispered in his ear and went round the van and got into the car. He slammed the side door and got into the front. He stroked my cheek before turning the engine and setting off.

I stood outside the airport, staring at the big letters saying Airport. Cameron rubbed my back then walked in the doors. I followed slowly. My feet slowed down as we reached the check in.

‘Have a nice flight’ the woman at the desk said. Cameron thanked her and took my hand. I had to follow.

‘Where did you get my passport from?’ I asked Cameron as we walked.

‘Where do you think I got your clothes, from a dustbin’ he said and laughed. Of course, he got my clothes from my house so he must have brought my passport too. We went up the stairs to the passport check and control. He handed the man at the desk the passports. He nodded his head,’ have a nice flight’. There’s them words again, have a nice flight, they have got to be joking.

We went through the scanners and neither of us went off, that was a good sign right. I went and sat down next to the big windows. I saw our plane; thankfully it looked in one piece. I started fiddling with my jackets zip. Cameron came over with a drink of coke.

‘I know something’s up when you’re fiddling with your jacket. What’s wrong?’ he asked and held my hand.

‘Well you see, I have a fear of flying, I hate it’ I said and looked back out the window.

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