Love at last

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I got into the car with the help off Cameron and he got in beside me. I was feeling much better but seeing Michael’s face just mad me feel sick again.’ See you wanted to get out Maddy, but you see now all you have is scars to show you failed slut’ Michael said as he drove. I ignored the comment, try thing is, I will have scars, I never thought I would cut myself in all my life. Cameron must have sensed my stress because he held my hands and squeezed gently, looking into my eyes with a soft sympathetic look. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. Outside the darkness was setting in, the stars were coming up and the moon was shining through the dark clouds. Cameron was making small, quick breaths which suddenly make my heart be faster. My stomach started to ache’ pull over’ I shouted.

‘Make me slut’ Michael shouted.

’ Pull over or your leather seats will be covered in sick’ I shouted.

‘If you’re sick in here, I’ll beat you’ he shouted’ take the window’. This guy was unbelievable. Fine I will take the window. I slid over to the door and pulled the handle and quickly tumbled out of the car. The impact to my side made me scream in pain as the road scratched my arm and whacked my side. I crawled over to the bush and brought up some blood and a little of the hospitals breakfast. Urgh, no wonder it came back up. I heard the car tires screeched as Michael pushed down the brakes. I held my side in pain, lifting up my t-shirt I saw my side was grazed with gnashes with bloody trickling out and straight onto my t-shirt, great. My arms were also bleeding; the blood was trickling down my arm making me gag. I really hate blood.

‘Maddy, how could you be so stupid?’ Cameron’s voice made me jump a little. Goosebumps went up my arms when Cameron touched my shoulder.

‘Don’t look Cameron, I don’t want you to see me like this’ I whispered.

‘If I don’t see you at your worse, then what kinda guy will I be’ he said and rocked me in his arms. My arm was stinging, but being close to Cameron numbed the pain a little.

‘You stupid bitch, you could of wrecked my car, how stupid can you be?’ Michael shouted as usual. I had no energy left to stand up so I just lay there in Cameron’s arms. I felt Cameron shuffled underneath me then I felt the air blow past me as he picked me up bridal style.

‘Let’s just go home dad, don’t know why you took the long way in the first place. Don’t give me that look, just get into the car, we’re coming. When we get home I’ll clean her up and we’ll leave you alone okay, we won’t leave the house again without your permission’. I closed my eyes and listened to Cameron’s steady beat of his heart. He started walking and I heard the bang of the door as Michael got into the front. Cameron slid me onto the backseat and I heard the door shut then a short shuffle behind me before the door shut and my head was resting neatly in Cameron’s lap. He stroked the hair out of my face then continued to stroke my cheek making me blush and smile. I looked up at him, his caramel eyes. A girl could lose herself in them, oh wait I think I have. He smiled back down at me, his loving eyes. I think I love him, wait no, I know I love him.

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