Dead or alive

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‘He’s what’ I stuttered.

‘He’s dead, dead as a doornail’ Michael said and stood up. I launched myself on him without a second thought. He didn’t even see it coming, I punched his face multiple times while screaming and crying until Cameron came and pulled me off him. Michael stood up, bloody nosed and a slightly closed eye. He staggered forward,’ you bitch, your dad didn’t even put up a fight’ Michael punched me in the side. I went weak on my knees but Cameron held me up.

‘You lie ‘I shouted.

‘No, he didn’t even say your name,’ another blow to my side,’ and you’ll get the same fate if you don’t shut up… and stop crying slut’ he shouted as his palm connected with my cheek. I fell to the floor, clutching my cheek as Michael kicked me in the side and made me roll over into the corner.

‘You didn’t have to do that dad’ I heard Cameron shout. I tried to look up but the pain coursing through my body made it hard to move. I saw the tears drop on the wooden floor making a small wet patch.

‘You’ll hold your tongue son or I’ll kick the shit out of you’. I felt Cameron’s hand on my side. I moaned quietly at the touch of his hand, my side was throbbing.

‘I’m taking her upstairs, don’t try and stop me, she needs to rest’. I felt his hand wrapped under my legs and his other hand supporting my back. I leaned against his chest; I could hear his heartbeat, a steady rhythm. He hugged me gently and I felt my body go all numb as I drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes; I was back in the bedroom. I felt something heavy on my stomach. I looked down, it was Cameron’s arm, and he was actually lying next to me. I held in the urge to scream. I slowly moved his arm and got out of bed. I was wearing an oversized t-shirt that smelt of Cameron. What am I saying? I walked into the bathroom, locking the door I slid to the floor and started crying. My dad’s dead, he’s never coming back. How can someone do something like that? I hate them, I hate this, this is inhuman, you can’t keep… A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.’ Maddy are you okay? I heard you crying’. I stood up and stared at the door.

‘Yeah, I’m okay’ I shouted back. Don’t let him hear your upset.’ How’s your head?’ he asked.

‘It’s fine, I’m much better’.

‘Maddy, come out so I can check please,’ I reached for the handle then hesitated. I dried my eyes and neatened my hair before I unlocked the door and swung it open. Cameron stood there, only wearing a pair of blue boxers.

 ‘I didn’t know what else you would wear; I only have boy clothes’. I smiled weakly,’ it’s okay; I was never into fashion anyway’. My stomach made a loud rumble.

‘You need food,’ he took my hand and walked over to the door,’ there’s a t-shirt for you in the top drawer, change and come downstairs’. He left the room. I looked through the top drawer. I pulled out the top. It was a blue and purple checked t-shirt. I pulled it on; it came down to my knees, thank you Cameron. I walked out the room and down the stairs. I stood on the last step. Shouting was coming from the kitchen. I held my breath as I listened through the wall.

‘She can’t eat that’ Cameron shouted.

‘She will, or she’ll starve’ I could tell it was Michael from his loud, booming voice.

‘She won’t, she needs real food, not filthy dog food,’ a clatter of plates on the floor made me gasps. I held my mouth hoping no one heard me. Footsteps, long strides, and then Michael turned the corner and grabbed my hair before I could even run. He pulled me out then flung me on his shoulder, squeezing my legs tightly so I groaned in pain.

‘You forced me to do this Cameron, you won’t disobey my order again after this’. I tried to push away but he just gripped my legs harder.  I heard a door open then Michael started walking downstairs. I looked up to see Cameron, he looked speechless, scared even. The room was cold, my guess it was a basement. The light flickered. Posted all over the walls was me, me with my friends, me at home, and me at the shop. They had been stalking me. He laid me on a cold bench. On contact with my skin I instantly tried to sit up. He held me down and one by one he strapped my arms and legs down. I was stuck tight. I twisted my hand but the straps wouldn’t give way. Cameron was sitting at the top of the stairs staring directly at me. I looked to see Michael. He was humming but I could still hear him doing something. He turned back around and held up a knife. I tried to scream but nothing came out, I felt paralysed. He came over to me and held a knife above me leg.

‘Cameron, you will learn’ he said and slowly placed the knife into my leg making a smooth line, every some often putting more pressure onto it. I held my breath, no crying Maddy, don’t give him the satisfaction. He removed the knife and leant his face over mine. I looked up to see him. He smelt of beer, his beard carrying little bits of food. I closed my eyes as Michael starting licking my cheek. His tongue was cold and wet.’ Cameron, come down here’ I heard him shout. I looked up to see him standing at the side, hands on his side waiting for Cameron. Cameron slowly trudged down the stairs. Michael held out his hand, it was too dark to see what he was holding.

‘No I won’t’ I heard Cameron whisper in shock.

‘You will, or she’ll die right now’. Cameron came over to me,’ I’m sorry princess’ he said. A sudden pain went through my body, then another and another. I couldn’t see what was happening. After what seemed like forever the hitting stopped. The pain was still coursing through my body. I felt Cameron’s hand trail along my body,’ I’m sorry’.

The lights went off and I heard the door bang shut. I let the tears fall out, run down my cheek and make a small plop on the bench. I might as well die, I’m hungry, thirsty and now I’m bleeding out on the table. I closed my eyes and hoped that when I sleep I do not wake up.

Hiya my favourite demon fans. Hope you are enjoying my story so far. This got a little gory this chapter.

Sorry I haven’t been getting chapters out; my laptop broke so I’ve been using the main computer when I can. Love you guys’ loads. My new charger will be here next week so new updates on everything xxxxxx Hells1angel x

Kidnapped for lifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ