Escape plan

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The pain in my leg awoke me from my slumber. I was back in the bedroom again, brilliant. I sat up a little and looked down at my leg; it had an ice pack laid over it. I moved it, ignoring the pain to see my leg wrapped in a white bandage, there was a small patch of blood seeping through. Just looking at it made me feel sick, I had never been good with blood. Once my friend had a nose bleed and all I did was faint.

‘I patched it up as best as I could for you’ I looked to my side to see Cameron, he looked tired, a hint of fear in his eyes that scared me somehow.

‘Why are you helping me?’ I asked.

‘Because I think I’m falling in love with you’. I laughed, I couldn’t help it.

‘Well you’re not going to get the same emotions off me’ I said in between the laughs. His smile dropped just a little before coming back up again.

‘I know I can’t help who I fall in love with though’ he said and stood up. He walked over the chest of drawers and picked something up,’ here have real food’ he slid the plate onto the bed. I picked up the sandwich,’ how do I know you haven’t poisoned it’ I asked. I sniffed it, ham and coleslaw.

‘You will just have to trust me’ he said and sat on the bed next to me. I took a bite; it tasted nice, delicious even.

‘That’ another bite’ has got to be the best sandwich I’ve ever had’ and a burp just to show I loved it.

Cameron laughed,’ glad you appreciate it’. I sat there wishing I hadn’t finished it soon.

‘Where’s your father?’ I asked. Being nebby Maddy.

Cameron shrugged,’ probably down the bar as usual’ he replied.’ Does he usually shout at you?’

He nodded,’ ever since mother, he’s hated me, blamed me for her death. I tried to leave but he just brought me back and…’ he held up his t-shirt, a long scar crossed his chest’ and harmed me’. I trailed my finger long it’ why did you kidnap me?’ my brain hadn’t even processed the sentence before I said it.

‘My dad likes too, it pleasures him to hear pain, he likes seeing death everywhere’ he must of seen the shock on my face because he pulled me into a hug’ Maddy I won’t let that happen to you, you won’t die on my watch, I promise’. I hugged him tighter               ’Cameron lets get out of here, while your father isn’t here’ I said.

He shook his head,’ everything is locked, windows, doors, he’s the only one with the key. You can’t do anything with your leg anyway Maddy’. I had only noticed that my leg had stopped stinging.

‘You could always carry me Cam’. He smiled; he must have liked that idea.’ I could but if we wait, my mother’s anniversary is on Saturday. My dad gets extremely drunk, we can get out then’. I nodded.

‘If you don’t mind me asking, how did your mother die?’

‘I don’t mind, I’ll tell you anything. She got killed by some men who had a feud with my father. My father was out, I was being choked on the wall, I was only 8 so the guy could easily pick me up. Then my mother came home and kicked the guy out of the way. I fell to the floor then watched as the guy stabbed my mother. And then I passed out due to lack of air. My dad woke me up, he was crying, and then he kicked me shouting,’ why did you let her die, your selfish child’. I still remember it like it was yesterday’. My heart actually ached for him. I rubbed his cheek and smiled. Closing my eyes I leaned into his face. Cameron must have caught on because his lips connected with mine. His tongue went along my lip as if he was asking for a way in. I opened slightly and his tongue found mine. Cameron’s hands rubbed up and down my back and in my hair. I pulled back quickly.

‘Cameron, I’m sorry that wasn’t…’

‘Maddy it’s okay, don’t worry’ he said and started stroking my cheek.

‘I can’t kiss you, you kidnapped me’ I said and moved against the wall.

‘No my dad kidnapped you, I had to help or he would have killed me. You’ve seen what he does to me Maddy’.

‘At least you wouldn’t have been missed; I had family, friends a future. Now look at me, I fear death at every corner. I’m scared your dad will rape me soon, that’s not life’. Cameron just sat there staring at me,’ say something, or better still leave me alone’.

‘As you wish Maddy’ he said and walked out the room.

I sat still for a while, replaying the conversation over and over. Shouldn’t have been so harsh on him Maddy. I removed the ice pack off my leg and hobbled into the bathroom. I locked the door and undressed. I stepped into the shower and let the water fall over me. I cried, I couldn’t help it, the tears just fell out. My leg started stinging as the water soaked through the bandage, but I ignored it. I felt more pain inside than anywhere else. I can’t believe you kissed him Maddy. His hands touched me, it felt so nice,’ I’m not falling for him’ I shouted out loud by accident. I turned off the tap and stepped out the shower. Wrapping the towel around me I walked into the bedroom. Cameron was lying on the bed, asleep I guessed as he was snoring… loudly. I silently went through the chest of drawers still I found a plain white t-shirt. I pulled it out, coming down to my knees. Sadly the jeans were too big so I was stuck with the t-shirt. Cameron turned over and moaned loudly. Go in the bed with him, snuggle in. I brushed the thought out of my mind. I walked out the room and down the stairs into the kitchen. I walked over to the front door and pulled in just in case it was open. No chance so I went over to the fridge and pulled out a freshly bought cheesecake. I cut a piece and slid it on the plate I found on the drainer. I took a bite, then another. In seconds it was gone. After a couple of minutes my stomach starting growling, then started causing my pain, like a sword stabbing in and out multiple times. I slid my hand on my stomach and leaned against the bench. I felt really dizzy and before I knew it I was rolling around on the floor.

‘Cameron’ I shouted’ Cam help!’ my stomach started rumbling and I felt like something was pushing it’s way up my throat, I was going to be sick. Cameron came to my side.

‘Maddy, what’s wrong?’ he asked.’ I don’t know, one minute I was eating cheesecake the next I feel like I’m about to be sick on the floor’ I moaned in pain. Cameron stood up, the knelt back down.

‘You need to go to the doctors’. I started crying, what was wrong with me? The last thing I remember was Cameron picking me up and telling me I was going to be alright.

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