Chapter 14

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Jade's POV

After getting Perrie's stuff we drop of Harry and Jesy and all head back to my place. Jonas and Leigh just kind of disappeared and went to do they're own thing. Perrie and I say on the swing chair on the front porch.

We were just talking and catching up. Perrie had been going through it with Zayn for a long time. I kind of though about how they use to be when we were in college. They seemed so good together I thought that when she went back to him she'd be some what okay. I felt bad for her.

She spend endless nights cry and she spent days alone when he would be late nights. She admitted how much she missed me and how much she wished she could talk to me. She told me how those phone calls would be her calling me to apologize but she could never find the courage to say it. She never knew that in the end that all I've been waiting for. An apology. And basically for her to say in right but most an apology.

"Can I tell you one more thing and you can't laugh or get mad or make fun of me." Perrie says

"And that is?" I ask

"I'm Penny."

I sit there for a minute confused, then it finally hit me. I literally forgot all about Penny, talking to Perrie just made me.....wait a minute. Penny, Perrie. I bit my lip holding back my laugh.

"You said you would laugh." She jokes pushing my shoulder slightly. I shake my head and bust out laughing.

"I'm not." I say but my laughter stops me. "I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing at myself."


"Because that was probably the easiest thing to spot out, how could I be so clueless!!" I say. Perrie soon starts to see how silly it was and laughs along with me.

We continue to laugh until its no longer funny anymore. I smile at Perrie and she looks always from me. I love looking at her, I've missed her so much and its just now hitting me. She was my best friend and the person I fell in love with.

"I really missed you Perrie." I say and she looks up at me a bit surprised.

"You did?"

"Yeah...." I chuckle.

"I thought that you hated me."

I shrug my shoulders and lean back on the chair. "You know what?" I sigh "I did hate you for a long time but, once I wrote about it I guys the hatred just kind left, like the hate was out of me and in the book." Perrie just smiles and nods her head.

"I'd hate me too." She sighs

"But that's the thing, I never hated you though, at least I thought I did, I just......I hated what you did." I sigh. "I hated that you went back for him, you abandoned me, lied to me, I feel like I lost my best friend, you made me feel weak like I just wasn't wanted."

"You know I'll always want you."

"But you didn't, you chose him over me."

"But in the end it was you." She says, I can tell that she's getting a bit sensitive, we need to talk about this though, more now than ever.

"This isn't the end Perrie, I missed you so much and seeing you again, I don't know how to feel and there's apart of me that tells me not to feel anything for you but there's a bigger part of me that tells me to give you a chance, bring you back I to my life." I take a deep breath. "Literally you're back in my life and you could say I'm overwhelmed."

"Jade I would kill to have you back." Perrie says as she moves closer to me and places her hand on my knee. "I love you so much, more than anybody, I've never devoted myself to some as much as I do to you, I'd do more for you than I ever would of done for Zayn."

I place my hand over hers and I left a few tears fall down my cheeks just thinking about everything I feel for Perrie. I love her so much and I don't know how to say that in a better way. I am a little scared though. I can't just let her back in my life so easily. I can't be with her again until I fully trust her.

"Just let me show you." She says. I couldn't help but sigh. I can already hear my mom in my head telling me to do the right thing. "Please I'll do anything." She whispers.

"Take me out." I say looking into her eyes.


"Take me out on a date, show me that you still care." I smile

"Oh yeah, yes of course!" She says happily. "Wait when?"

"Tomorrow, well go out tomorrow night."


After agreeing to out date we stand up and go inside the house. I see Jonas on the couch and Leigh setting up a movie.

"What are you guys watching?" Perrie ask as we both sit down on the couch beside them. I look at Jonas and he seems a bit uneasy.

"What wrong with him?" I ask

"She's making me watch child birth videos." He says not taking his eyes off the screen just as if he's been scarred for life.

"Leigh........" I say

"What, he asked what it looks like and your mum has lots of baby books and videos in your basement so I went down and grabbed them, he's just being a cry baby it wasn't even that bad." She shrugs playing the other one.

"10 pounds......" He sighs "So much stretching, so much screamin."

"You're not the one guveing birth." Leigh says annoyed, plopping down next to him.

Perrie and I look at each other and laugh. I think that this could actually be good for them.

You know what to do lol. Sorry for slow updates, I thing they're gonna start coming more frequently plus I already want to start a new story lol. Sorry for any mistakes I'm too tired to correct right now.

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