Chapter 10

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Jade's POV

I stay seated on my bed and eye my phone that is placed in front of me on my pillow. My knees are pulled into my chest and I just glare at my phone. I glare at it as if its the only thing I hate the most.

Call her.


If you don't you'll sit here and argue with yourself like you've been doing for the past hour and a half.

"I hate when I'm right" I mumble out loud and grab my phone quickly. Keeping it close to my chest as I look up at the ceiling. I groan loudly and put it back down quickly.

This would be easier if I wasn't so nervous. I don't even know why I'm nervous. Its just Perrie. Right?

Yeah just the girl that cheated on you with her homophobic ex and then left you for him. BUT that's not even her anymore why am I stressing? There's denial in my mind.

I get up and I head to the kitchen to find Jonas a Leigh. I walk in and Jonas has his arms wrapped around Leigh as she sighs heavily. I back away and lean on the frame of the door.

'Bad time?' I mouth to Jonas as he looks up at me and he rubs Leigh's back as he nods at me. I nod and walk out of the kitchen. Dammit I needed his words of wisdom but I hope Leigh is alright at the same time.

Liam isn't even here, he left to go out with Emmy and her parents for the evening, last minuet. I'm going to have to figure this out by myself. I walk back up to my room and collasp on the bed again.

I hold my phone up and I log on to twitter. Maybe Penny will help me, she's good at advice, and easy to talk to.

I go through my list of DM's and find her name but when I type it doesn't let me send anything. I try to click on her name but it won't allow me too. Did she change her name? No because it would show. I sigh and give up, she probably deleted her profile. Why though? I really wanted to talk to her.

I take my phone and just say fuck it. If I don't I'm going to sit here for more hours and not know what to do.

Pressing call on her number, I sit on my bed chewing on my nails nervously. Don't answer, don't answer please don't answer.

"Uhm hey" She says awkwardly and I could already feel it. I sigh and runbky fingers through my hair. I knew she could tell I was frustrated when she chuckled a little bit.

"Jade its fine"

" its not fine, I didn't mean for you to have the thought of us getting back together."

"Jade.." She sighs "Its really not your fault its mine, I shouldn't of had that thought in my head, it was wrong, I mean I did a shitty thing, so for me to think that anything would happen was a really bust, and I just want to apologize for making it awkward" She finishes and I bite my lip. I want to see her, I want to talk to her.

"Where are you?" I ask. She hesitates to answer at first but then she chuckles.

"I'm a t a hotel"

"What why? How come you aren't at home?" I ask a bit worried, maybe something f happened or what if Zayn put her out. At this point I'm standing and waiting for her to reply.

"I left him" was all she said and I absentmindedly grabbed the car keys.

"Send me the address I'm coming to get you" I say holding the phone between my cheek and shoulder as I put my boots on.

"Jade its fine really" she chuckled a bit and I shake my head hurrying down the stairs.

"No, I'm coming to get you, I'm not going to have you saying in a motel, now send me the damn directions" I say hanging the phone up. I walk out the house and two the car. By the time I got in and put my seat belt on, my phone vibrated and perrie had sent me the directions.

I probably shouldn't be doing this but my caring side is telling me another. Dammit of course I still care about the girl. Life would be a lot easier if I just got a puppy instead of a girlfriend.

Perries POV

I was sitting on the bed waiting for a second. Is Jade really coming to pick me up? I really don't deserve her coming at all.

I kind of don't want her to see me at the same time as me wanting her to come. Zayn didn't take me leaving so well. He didn't do anything that was over the top. Just a few times he grabbed at my arms, leaving small purple marks, he pushed me up against the wall, my head hurts a bit but nothing some Advil can't heal, last thing he did was slap me. I get up and look I'm the mirror at the reddish purpleish mark on my cheek.

I didn't get all my stuff but I got what I needed, maybe I could find a way to get the other stuff but right now it doesn't even matter to me.

He keeps calling and texting but why should I reply if he's just going to keep calling me names and trying to force me to come back. I'm damn proud of myself for leaving him and standing up to him for the first time in a long time.

He screamed that I needed him he screamed that I'm.nothing without him, that I'll be back but, I don't need him, I have a job, I'm independent.

I look down at my phone in m palm and notice my mum is calling me this time. Not now, I dont want to deal wth her either. And did Zayn really call my mum? The absolute biggest baby and snitch I have ever met.

I place my phone on the bed listening to it vibrate for about another ten minuets until I hear pounding on my door. I look through the peephole, fearing Zayn probably found me but, I sigh in relief when I see its Jade. I open the door and her slight smile went to a hint of shock and anger.

"Perrie did he hit you!" She says instantly, and backing me inside the room, as she slammed the door.

"Jade it's okay" I say "He didn't put much in ayway, I'm fine honestly" I sigh and sit down on the bed.

"Look at your cheek" She says and lightly grazes my cheek, I wince and she flinches away. "Perrie look at your arm theres baby bruises all they way up them" She says

"Jade stop I'm fine really" I say trying to get her to relax but, she just shakes her head and bites down on her lip, her eyes tearing up.

"Fine" she sighs "are you ready to go"

"About that" I say and rub my arm. "You didn't have to come Jade, honestly I'm fine where I am" I shrug.

"No, you're gonna come stay with me" she says and I look up at her.

"With you?" I ask with a hint of shock in my voice.

"Yeah, we- well I have a spare bedroom that you could stay in just until you're" she looks around and clears her throat. "You're um ready to leave, until you're good ya know?" She says and I nod my head understandingly.

I nod my head. I really have to stop getting my hopes up so quickly, I don't want to seem too eagar and get my hopes up, only to ruin things again.

"Cmon I'll help bring your things the the car" She smiles and I nod my head. We both get up at the same time and begin to grab my bags.

"But don't think he's not going to get what's coming his way" Jade says as we exit the hotel room.

I smile as we walk because not only im lucky to have her help me out right now but also because she's basically defending me and I like it. I like to know that there's still some emotion in side her, she has some type of hope just like I do, I just know it.

"Thank you Jade" I smile

"Anything for y-" she starts but then clears her throat loudly and looks over her shoulder at me. "You're welcome Perrie" she says and smiles just slightly.

I look dowm as we walk and I couldn't help but blush and smile.

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't been updating a lot I just got a job, my first one!! Lol and I'm trying to cope with the hours I need this money for senior year! But let me know what you think of the chapter!!!

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