Chapter 2

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Jades POV

Eight hours.

Eight hours of kissing of giggling of cuddling of laughing of head aches and frustrations.

But not me. No that wasn't the problem, the problem was Leigh and Jonas. Try sitting on an airplane for eight hours with a couple that don't know how to keep their hands to themselves or shut up basically.

They literally did not go to sleep and neither did I. I wanted to rip my hair out. Well not as much as I wanted to open the plane door and drag Leigh and Jonas out by their teeth. I won't even go there with Jonas.


we'll be there when you shut up. Next time I neither need to be leaving with a plane buddy or I'm gonna sit as far away from them as possible.

I glare at them as they stay leaned against the wall outside of the airport kissing and laughing at each other. We were waiting for our ride that would be taken us to a hotel room for the night. I've got one signing here in London and then one back home, then after that I'm on break.

"Are you guys done?" I ask facing them but they continue to stay cooed up into each other. I take a deep breath an roll my eyes.

"Guys!" I say louder and get their attention. "It would be nice if you guys could try and not be a couple until we get to our separate hotel rooms cause I'm feeling like a third wheel here cause I'm a single Pringle and all you guys do is be cute and eat each others faces, which is weird but also cute but still" I rant

They both state at me and then slowly pull away from each other as of nothing  just happened. I sigh in relief and thank them

"Single Pringle" Jonas laughs and I was quick to punch him in the arm.

"That was so unnecessary" he groans just as a car pulls up in front of us. I turn towards the car and it has tinted windows. I raise my eyebrow confused and walk closer to the car.

"Jade that's weird don't just walk up to a creepy car and attempt to look In the window" Leigh says

"The curious ones die first in horror movies" Jonas says and I roll my eyes. The window then rolls down and I see a smiling liam.

"Liam" I chuckle "I thought you sent a ride to come pick us up" I ask

"Well I was back at Emmy's parent house and her dad said I could drive this beautiful car to.come get you guys"

"Oh that's sweet-"

"No way!" Jonas says pushing me to the side and running up to the car. "Is this a 1984 Chevorlet Corvette C4" jonas says in excitement and complete shock as he feels the car.

"It sure is, isn't she a beaut" he smirks as he grips the steering wheel

"I think I'm in love" he says and I shake my head and step beside leighanne.

"He can love a car but he's a total cry baby when I say Justin Bieber is my husband" Leigh huffs and we both chuckle.

"Cause Justin is a punk, I'll show him who a real man is" Jonas says as he glares over his shoulder.

"Can we just get to the hotel, I'd really like to get some rest before tomorrow. We have yet another long drive just to make it out of london and to South Shields." I say picking my bags up. "And liam there's two seats how do you expect us to all fit."

"I didn't think about that" he says scratching The back of his head like he always does when He's thinking.

"Lap up duh" Jonas says as liam pops the trunk and begins putting our bags away. Leigh and I sigh as we get in the car. I feel like a child as I sit on Liam's lap as he drives, while Leigh is sitting on Jonas's lap.

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