Beside her, she could tell that Arthur was trying hard not to growl at those who weren't the happiest about her return, and Kataleen moved closer to him so that their arms were touching.

"It's okay." Kataleen said, her tone light. "It doesn't bother me, so it shouldn't bother you either."

"It's not okay Kataleen," Arthur said, his voice low. "You should be bothered by it, this kind of behaviour is not accepted. Had it been my pack that had bullied someone, I would have instantly told them no and even threatened to kick them out."

The group switched to a sprint, and Kataleen easily started to run faster.

"You may be right," Kataleen said. "But I don't care about them anymore. Who are they to tell me who I am?"

Arthur pursed his lips, but decided not to say anything about it. Kataleen could clearly feel his irritation through the bond, still having opinions that he wanted to be voiced. But, for her, he kept quiet. Kataleen was happy about that.

When they finally came back to the grass field, Kataleen was breathing heavily. It had been a while since she had done some cardio, mostly because of the fact that it was hard for her, Anna and Colin to ever go out to run, when they themselves were wanted. To accidentally run into another pack's territory could be a death sentence.

But, compared to the others, Kataleen was one of those who was the least tired. Beside her, Arthur hadn't even broke a sweat. Kataleen glared at him and Arthur sent her an amused smile.

"What the fuck, Arthur?" Kataleen asked, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes narrowed in a glare. "How are you in such shape?"

"I take my training very seriously," Arthur said, a smirk plastered on his face. "And besides, while you have been sleeping, I have been out running."

"Haha," Kataleen said ironically. "Very funny."

The sound of Austin clearing his throat interrupted their friendly banter, and they both looked in his direction as he spoke up to talk to everyone around him.

"We will begin with the strength training now, before moving on to the fights." Austin said, his voice loud and clear as it travelled across the field. "Anna will be in charge, so just follow her instructions."

For the next thirty minutes, they all did as Anna, doing various exercises. As Kataleen felt the burn in her body, she remembered the horrible training sessions she once had with her and Colin. They had both been strict and hard trainers, pushing Kataleen to the edge, even if they only had half an hour of training. The memories all came back now, as she followed Anna's movements. She could tell that the rest of the werewolves on the field also felt completely exhausted when Anna finally did the last move. The sound of heavy breathing came from every corner of the field, and even Arthur looked exhausted.

"Is this hove you trained when you were a rogue?" Arthur asked, breathing heavily. "No wonder you could take out Austin, this is absolute torture."

Kataleen could only nod, not having the energy to talk. She was still in wonder at Arthur stamina, him being the one that was the least effected by Anna's hard exercises. Even Anna was absolutely exhausted.

"Listen up!" Austin said, his voice carrying across the field. Even Austin sounded out of breath. "Pair up two and two to begin fighting! Remember to choose someone who is about as good as you."

Kataleen wanted to find Anna and fight her, but as she looked in Anna's direction, she saw that Anna and Austin had already began fighting. Kataleen smiled to herself, knowing that Austin had met his match. Since Kataleen was better than Anna at fighting, her and Austin would be equally good. Kataleen still had her money on Anna, since the thing Anna hated most was losing, and if they were an equal match, then Anna would push harder than ever just to win.

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