CID9-Christmas Eve

Start from the beginning

Noah pulled the earphones from his ears. "What was that?" he asked.

I sighed. "I asked what are you watchin'."

"Oh something besides The Wiggles and Barney," He replied. "Plus all that is on is chick-flicks."

"Oh give me the remote," I squealed. He tossed me the remote and then got up. "Hey where are you going?"

He rolled his eyes. "To take my nap. It is night five of no sleep with the tornado twins," he grumbled. He was just a big baby.

As I was watching my movie Scott came and joined me. I snuggled up next to him under my blanket. He felt so warm.

"You want to know a secret?" Scott asked smirking.

"Sure," I said cautiously.

"The guy gets the girl," he stated.

"You just ruined my movie," I squealed hitting him on the arm.

"What? I've already seen the movie," he laughed. "Four sisters remember?" I looked up at him and stuck out my tongue.

"Okay. Great now I'm dating Henry," Scott grumbled.

"Who do you think taught him to do that?" I teased. "Anyways I want to know more about your sisters."

Scott narrowed his eyes at me. The he placed his hand on my head and felt for a fever. I struggled to pull it down. "Well you don't have a fever."

"I'm not joking I want to know more about your family," I stated.

"Well there is the oldest sister is Rachel. She's married and has two boys. Then there's Sarah who is married as well. Although she has one boy and twin girls," he stated. He stretched out. "Then comes boy comes boy crazy Chelsea, and last but not least there is baby Hannah."

I smiled. Scott just transformed in front of me when he talked about his family. He really was a good man. He'll make some girl really happy someday. That thought made me sick at my stomach for some reason.

"Okay everyone gathered round for Dirty Santa," my mother shouted.

The family filled the den and my dad was carrying the numbers for everyone to choose.

I got number three.

"Okay number one choose your present," my dad shouted.

John David made his way to the pile of presents, and got the biggest present in the pile. That was just like him.

"What are the rules?" Scott whispered next to me.

I smiled up at him. "You can pick a present or steal, but a present can only be stolen three times."

Shoot yeah, it's a tackle box," John David shouted. Just then Dad got up and stole John David's present. "Really Dad you'd take a present from your own child?" my dad just nodded. John David chose again, and this time he got a tacky Christmas tie.

Then it was my turn, I picked the shiny green one. I slowly unwrapped the paper so I wouldn't rip it. I lifted the lid and pushed a side the red tissue paper. Then my jaw dropped, and I shut the lid quickly.

"Anna Claire you know the rules. Open the present so we can see if we want to steal it," my mother instructed.

So once again I opened the box, this time I lifted the red Santa themed bra and matching skirt. They had even put green and white stockings in there with them. I know this was Jessie's gift.

"Oh my," Karen said shyly, and everyone else started laughing. I felt my cheeks burn.

Needless to say, I was stuck with my present. The box just mocked me. I wanted to burn the box, but I decided that I could recycle the present next year. If all else fails I could give it to Ashley when I see her later.

"Anna Claire can you come into the kitchen?" my mother asked from behind me. I smiled and followed her into the kitchen. I was surprised when I found a pyramid of green and red cupcakes. Each cupcake had the number twenty-five on the top.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone cheered and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Thank you everyone," I smiled.

"Go ahead Claire make a wish and blow out your candle," Noah stated.

Mamma had put a candle in one of the cupcakes and brought it over to me. I closed my eyes and made my wish.

I wish that for once that I didn't have to be fake around my family.

Christmas in DixieWhere stories live. Discover now