my sister caught a pikachu in pokemon go wtf

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update on my life for the past few days:

i got a job

i earn $20 a day and ive been working for three days so i have roughly $60 this is lit

last night i had a mental breakdown and talked to my mom about anxiety and shit

i discovered that in google fued one of the answers for the question "why do people hate" is "halsey so much" and i have googled that before i am guilty

i also read this really cool book called "openly straight" its really funny but then it fucks with your emotions at the end and then it just stops like hoe i didnt ask for this cliffhanger

steven universe is so good and pearl is gay mr. greg fucked up my life listen to "its over" its so good i want death its gay and bitter kill me

i also have been drawin a lot and made some oc's and theyre adorable

this is abby shes pan, 17, 5'7"

she's obsessed with fob, her fav color is green, she likes watermelon, shes an only child, her fav tv show is gravity falls,  shes not very artistic but she loves music, her fav food is pretzels, waitresses at this cool resturaunt that everyone in...

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she's obsessed with fob, her fav color is green, she likes watermelon, shes an only child, her fav tv show is gravity falls,  shes not very artistic but she loves music, her fav food is pretzels, waitresses at this cool resturaunt that everyone in town goes to and she has a giant crush on her pal lauren who is also an oc this is her

she's obsessed with fob, her fav color is green, she likes watermelon, shes an only child, her fav tv show is gravity falls,  shes not very artistic but she loves music, her fav food is pretzels, waitresses at this cool resturaunt that everyone in...

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lauren is supre gay, also 17, she's 5'4" and her fav color is red. she also loves makeup and shes always wearing red lipstick and she made all her friends dye their hair when she did so she wouldnt feel alone, she also waitresses at the resturaunt, would probably die for alaska on drag race, shes really good at painting but drawing is a bit weird to her, she IS the art hoe also she is up halsey's ass

this is devin wattpad is being weird and the picture looks sideways idk this is devin they like dudes, are 16, and 5'6", they really like sweatshirts and beanies and space and vampires and they never sleep and theyre always ready to fight bc theyr...

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this is devin wattpad is being weird and the picture looks sideways idk this is devin they like dudes, are 16, and 5'6", they really like sweatshirts and beanies and space and vampires and they never sleep and theyre always ready to fight bc theyre very angry and rambunctious and they dont know when to stop, they also write everythign down in a notebook when they get home at night and are about to sleep and they're parents dont undertsand how they're not a boy or a girl and they get annoyed by it they also have a best friend names arden rose but i havent drawn her yet so this is it

the drawings look weird bc i drew them at like 3am but lauren is my fav and the chibi looking thing for abby is cute also in working on new chapters for fics so maybe one will be out sometime so yeah thats cool bye

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