im sad and bitter

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there are Halsey tickets available and idk how many are left but there are tickets available and they're about $45 each which is cheap compared to others honestly that's not horrible and because there's so little seats left you have to have a website pick for you and idk where the seats would be but I don't even care anymore I'm just more annoyed about the fact that my father keeps telling me that he'll think about it when he's been thinking about it for 2 months

I understand that he might not have the money but it's been two months you can't scrape together $45 for your kid do do soemthing they'll enjoy and probably remember for a long time??? The panic ticket was out of sheer luck and a mistake a friend made I don't even know how much the tickets were for that show but I know they weren't cheap

and I totally know that my dad doesn't have a lot of money hell I've gone a couple days at his house without water because we didn't have any bottle and the stuff from the tap isn't good because the sinks are dirty I get it but I feel that we could afford at least one ticket to a concert that would be fun for me and I'll be happy about he ignores me most of the time I'm at home and I have to ask for dinner most of the time because he forgets my sister and I are here because we stay in our room because we don't want to leave it because it's the least disgusting place in the damn apartment and now I'm crying because I just can't stand his house anymore and god I'm a mess

I'm sorry about this I just needed to get it out of me goodbye

an obnoxious gay ; rantsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora