petekey makes me want to kill myself

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I'm not even exaggerating here like honestly I get so fucked up by this ship it's embarrassing

I follow and account on tumblr that had a huge petekey spam and it took all my sanity to not cry

honestly petekey is the only ship that has made me cry both fanfiction wise and real life wise

also the fact that pete literally hijacked panic! For his own gay shit I'm gonna

I'm so emotional

fuck me up now

On another note, I have never seen a transboy!gerard fic

It's all him as a transgirl

I'm not criticizing that but I feel the world needs more transboy Gerard

like really

Also, I'm still a little ehh from last night but it's all good


Okay goodbye nobody cares

okay I ship petekey really hard but this is so cute I want to die farewell

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okay I ship petekey really hard but this is so cute I want to die farewell

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