Chapter Eleven- "I Already Took Care Of It..."

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            “I told you I wasn’t a slut.” I heard Tiffany sneer into the phone as I stared at the papers from the doctors.

            “Shut the fuck up Tiffany you’re annoying as hell. So what are you going to do now? Ruin my career? Release the results?” I paced back and forth, knowing everything around me was going to crumble.

            “Actually, I already took care of it.”

            I froze.

 “What the hell do you mean you already took care of it?”

            “I mean…” she said, “I had an abortion.”

             I felt the anger rise inside of me as tears came into my eyes. “You aborted my child? A child that god wanted to be born? Without even consulting me?” I couldn’t think right now, I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

            “Justin don’t even start. You told me clear as day on the phone that you wanted NO part of this. Do you think I wanted to get an abortion? No, I didn’t. But I can’t raise this kid on my own and you’d obviously be no help. I got the paternity test for a reason. I wanted proof. Listen to me good and closely, if you ever tell anyone about me or what happened or if you ever treat another girl the way you treated me I swear to god the results will be leaked and I’ll tell every media source known to man kind you told me to get an abortion. That means never taking someone to the rocks again, never fucking someone and leaving them, and never taking a girl for granted again. Do you understand?”

            What the fuck? What the fuck is going on? She got an abortion? She actually thinks she can determine how I treat women and how I fuck? She’s insane. Who is this girl?

            “I won’t take someone to the rocks again Tiffany but you can’t tell me how to treat my relationships. That’s just uncalled for. You aborted my child, our child. Now you’re threatening me?” I inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm myself down.

            I heard her start to cry as she tried to talk but couldn’t. “This is just what needs to happen Justin. I don’t want any other girl feeling the way I do right now. Do you understand? I hope you never find love, I hope you never become successful. You did this…you did.”

            I suddenly felt for the first time like a complete asshole. I realized what I had just done. If I hadn’t left, If only I had just stayed and said I’d be a part of this maybe then she would’ve kept her…him… I’d never know. I could sit here and fight all day, I could tell her what a mistake she made, but did I honestly want to make her feel worse?

            “Okay Tiffany, I got it.” My voice cracked as I tried not to let my emotions show.

            “Justin…” she trailed off. “I don’t want to contact you anymore; it’s too hard to talk to you. But just remember what I said. I mean it. I don’t want you to ever treat anyone else like this ever again… I hate you.”

            Before I could say anything more, I heard the phone line go dead.



            Snapping out of my daydream, my phone started to ring. Shit. I brushed Sophia’s hair as she stirred, trying not to wake her up, and reached over to pick up the phone. Speak of the devil.

“What do you want Tiffany?” I whispered into the phone.

“Just reading a certain newspaper that’s all…” She laughed into the receiver.

Fuck. The article.

“Tiffany it’s not what it looks like I swear.”

“Justin save it. Do you see her face in the picture? She looks terrified. Is this honestly what you do to girls for fun? Just wreck them emotionally and ruin their lives?” I could hear the anger rise in her voice.

“Tiffany her name is Sophia. We’re together; we’ve been together for a while now I promise. I tried to bring her there so I could try to get over what happened. Well, you know what happened.”

I heard silence for a while because she didn’t say anything.

“Did you tell her what happened there?”

“No. Nothing’s coming between us Tiffany, she means a lot to me. This time it’s real.”

            I needed to tell Sophia, If I didn’t she might leave me forever. But I just didn’t feel right telling her right now. There’s no way she’d stay if I did.

            “I still have the results.” She laughed into the phone. “Besides, you don’t deserve a relationship. You’re a no good for nothing piece of shit.”

            I winced at her words and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was right.

            “Tiffany I know you’re mad. I know you always will be but please don’t ruin this for me, please.” I couldn’t hide the desperation in my voice.

            “Justin, you’re so naïve. Maybe you should have thought about that before using every girl you know to just fuck them and leave them. Let me guess, you did that to her too, didn’t you?”

            I remained silent not knowing what to say because I knew she was right.

            “Exactly, that’s what I thought.” She chuckled. “I wonder what she’d do if I told her what happened…”

            I froze and walked into the hallway so Sophia wouldn’t hear, feeling the blood start to boil under my skin.

            “You wouldn’t fucking dare.” I spat into the phone.

            How dare this bitch try to wreck the only good thing that’s ever happened to me? I wasn’t going to allow it.

            “Oh, but I would. In fact, isn’t there an awards ceremony in LA this weekend that you’re supposed to be at?” I could hear her smile through the phone.

            “Well there is, but now that you’re going to be there I’ll be sure not to go. Why the fuck are you concerned anyways?” Who the fuck did this bitch think she was?

            “We’ll see about that Justin,” she laughed. “To be honest, if I can’t have you then nobody can. You don’t deserve a career, and you don’t deserve a loyal girlfriend after how you’ve treated them.”

            “I’ve changed Tiffany. You’ll never have me so just accept it. Sophia is the only girl I want and I’m the only guy she wants. You were a one night stand, she was something more.”

            I heard her breathe into the phone, not saying anything.

            “Oh Justin,” she chuckled. “You’ll regret you ever said that.” And with a click of a button she was gone.

            I needed to tell Sophia but I couldn’t. What if she left me? What if she never loved me again? I wouldn’t be able to live without her. It seemed so easy to tell her but if I told her Tiffany would tell every media source known to mankind. But either way she was going to find out.

            “FUCK!” I slammed my fist against the wall. 


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