Chapter 23- Pretend To Be Together?

Start from the beginning

As I was walking I kept changing my mind about what to do, ring Calum or not but what about Luke? I didn't want to betray him so I made my decision I was to ring Luke and yell him and see what his opinion was after all he was my boyfriend. I couldn't lie to him.

Clicking on his name, I waited as my phone started to ring as I held my phone to my ear and continued walking soon enough I heard Luke's voice.

"hey babe" I heard him say, I smiled hearing his voice.

Phone Conversation:

L: Luke. A: Amy.

L: Hey babe.

A: Hey Luke, you alright? How's Sammy anymore news?

L: *sighs* There's no news about Sammy, she's still the same. I'm okay I guess, I just miss you so much. You? How are you?

A: yeah I'm okay, tired. I saw my nan today, s-she hasn't got long to live now and that's something I need to talk to you about.

L: are you coming back?

A: *sighs* no not yet, I don't know when I'm coming back Luke. I need to talk to you about something, I honestly don't know how to tell you this.

L: you're not breaking up with me are you?

A: No! Of course not. It's about us though. My nan still thinks I'm dating Calum because no one wants to correct a dying lady and you know what else, she only wants to see him again. I honestly don't know what to do Luke.


A: Luke you there?

A: Luke?

A: Luke answer me.

L: (Calum) Amy it's Calum, Luke's just shoved his phone into my chest and walked out in a mood. What's wrong with him.

So that's how I ended up telling Calum what I had told Luke. I didn't want to upset him but I had to tell him the truth about what was said, he had the right to know he was my boyfriend afterall.

C: (calum) : so your nan still thinks we're dating?

A: yeah and I don't know what to do. I can't correct her, she wants to see you and I wanted to talk to Luke about it and think what to do but obviously it's upset him. What do I do Calum?

C: well there's nothing to think about is there?

A: what do you mean by that?

C: I'll come to the Uk and pretend to be your boyfriend just for your nans sake to make her happy for her last moments alive.

A: Calum; you can't what about Hailee? She won't agree.

C: Actually she thinks it's nice thing to do.

A: I don't know Calum, it just seems too weird.
C: Amy it's for your nan, it's not like anythings going to happen when we're already with other people. Come on, we're so over eachother now. So what do you say?

A: *sighs* Fine only for my nan and thanks Calum.

C: I'll see you soon.

That was the last thing I heard before he hung up on Luke's phone. I knew luke was in a mood because of what Calum said. It's only pretending right, what harm could that do? Me and Calum are happy with our partners. I placed back my phone in my pocket and continued walking thinking of a way when I got back to Australia how I could make it up to Luke for upsetting him. I knew why he was upset, I didn't want to upset him but we don't keep secrets so I had to tell him which resulted in him, getting upset.

*when Calum lands in the uk*
Birmingham Airport.

Calum's POV.

Landing in the UK, I went and grabbed my bags and made my way to the entrance to where Amy said she would meet me. She was standing there. I walked over to her and dropped my bags as she hugged me. "hey Calum!" she said quietly. "hey you okay?" I ask her pulling away from her, grabbing my bags and following her to the car.

"so how's thing back in Australia before you left?" she asks me. " Tristan's rejoined the others at the hospital much to Ashton's annoyance. Michael is alright he's been at the hospital the last two days and Luke he's upset about this arrangement but other than that he's fine. Sammy was making progress, the drugs were finally starting to leave her body. The effects wearing off" I say dumping my bags in the boot before getting in the passenger side of the car as Amy got in the driver seat.

"well hopefully she'll wake up soon" She said, starting the car and driving away from the airport. It was silent after that. "so how's your nan?" I ask her. " she's been getting worse recently, every day she keeps worse. I don't know how long she's going to stay alive 's a shame she never once did anything wrong so how could she deserve this" she said sobbing.

I placed my hand on her leg and squeezed comfortingly as I could do it to her hand. "well we will just need to make her last days happy ones"

An. Hello sorry for the long wait but the wait has finally finished and there's a new part!

Hope you enjoy it, will Sammy wake up soon?

Will Amy and Calum stay faithful to their partners afterall they do have to pretend to be together for Amy's nan? Will they or won't they? #Lamy or #Camy.

When Sammy does wake up will she realise it's Ashton who she wants and not Tristan?

Anyway stay tuned as Mary Anne, @smileforhemmings is writing next.

Love life, stay young.

-Amy, @Imaginethosevamps.

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