Day Ten

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"but if you thought nothing was wrong, you were lying to yourselves. all of you."

"Why isn't he waking up?"

A concerned curly haired boy.

"I don't know, but I've never seen him scream like that before. His body's probably just resting or something."

The one that spoke logic through a lisp.

"But it's been a day! What if he never wakes up and I'll never be able to see him again?!"

"Relax, Jc, we know you care about him, but there's really no need to freak out."

"Yeah.. I guess you're right."



"Does anybody have any idea of how to help him? We have time to talk now, without Kian ripping half his skin off."

The worried one, who once felt something more than friendship for Kian, but never dared to act on it.

".. Don't remind me of that."


"But did you guys see his eyes when he was laughing like that? He looked like the old Ki."

The one mesmerized with Kian's soft brown eyes.

"Yeah, and he stared at his arms like he just realized they were there."

The loud one, and even he couldn't lighten the drab atmosphere of Jc Caylen's house.

"What does that have to do with anything, though?"

"Guys, he wasn't in any pain at all! He was staring at his arms like that because he didn't feel the need to itch at them anymore."

"Jeesh, Jc, it's like you can read his mind."

"I just care about him.. So much.."

"Yes, yes, we get it!"

"If you cared about him so much then how did he get this bad in the first place?"

The bold one, who has been Kian's friend the longest, and turned his worry into anger, so he just had to blame this predicament onto someone.



"Well I didn't see you guys showing up!"

The one defending his love.

"But we don't LIVE with him, and we aren't all "in love" with him!"

"But if you thought that nothing was wrong, you knew you were lying to yourselves. All of you."

"Look, this isn't helping Kian and that's the whole point of us even being here."

The problem solver and Kian's best friend, prior to Jc.

"And we care about him-"


"Okay, okay.."

"Jc, what you were saying about his eyes.. Does that mean that when he's happy, he doesn't hurt, basically?"

"That's what I'm guessing."

"So if-"

"We should just bring him to the damn nuthouse and let the doctors deal with him. Obviously this is some mental thing that none of us are capable of dealing with."

The one who gives up too easily.

"There's no way I'm letting Ki get trapped in a nuthouse for the rest of his life!"

"I'm just saying what we're all thinking."

"I never thought that at all."

"Shut the fuck up, Connor. There's no way you didn't think that when you first saw him rip his own damn skin off when we first got here."

"No, I didn't actually-"

"You don't have to pretend to be all nice and caring. We aren't your fucking fans on YouTube."

"I'm not pretending.."

"Oh, sure you're not-"

"Sam, can you please get off of everyone's butt and address the actual problem here?"

The only one who tried not to cuss.

"The problem that wouldn't even be a problem if it weren't for Jc? Sure."

"Get the fuck out."


"It's my fucking house, so get out! All you're doing is fucking everything up!"




"Guys, I just really want to help him."

The understanding eyes that knew exactly how it felt to have to deal with the world accepting the fact
that you're gay.

"That's what I was saying,"

"What do you mean?"

"If Kian wasn't hurting when he was happy, then we just have to keep him happy."

"We can't do that forever, though."

"We can try."

The one that only wanted his Ki back.

When Kian Starts Smoking Cancer Sticks, A Jian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now