Chapter 13

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"Ok Shane I'm leaving. I love you." I slightly shouted as I left our new LA house.

"Love you too. Call me when your done filming."

"Ok bye." I closed the door behind me and pulling out my camera.

"Hey guys what's up. So this is going to be a little behind the scenes of the final episodes of season 7. So basically I'm helping with the countdown episode for Logo, and Shane is going to take you with him for some last minute touch ups on his Marco Marco gown. Also later tonight is the season 7 reunion filming, which honestly isn't as dramatic or anticipation ridden as everyone thinks, considering the winner isn't actually crowned for another two weeks." I explained as I drove to the World of Wonder studios.

"And many of you have noticed subtle hints we have given about Shane and I 's recent move to LA. In all honestly this is just a better place to come home to for the one or two days we actually get to have as breaks. It is rarely shitty weather and there are no delays at the airport during the winter which is a wonderful plus. Also, in all honesty our apartment was just too small for Shane, me, and the two dogs. The apartment wasn't really meant for two men who dress as women for a living. Four sets of wardrobe doesn't really work out in a space meant for one person." I pulled into the parking lot and headed inside in half drag.

"I will admit that walking around LA like this is a little harder considering in New York things like me roamed the streets all the time." I laughed to myself as I entered the building.

"Hey Yanx!" I turned around and was greeted by a familiar face.

"Adore." I faked an unimpressed look that faded into a smile quickly.

"I felt like its been ages since I've seen you. How is the move going?" She spit out clearly overwhelmed by the several months its been since we have seen each other. I put my camera away while taking in the rapid fire rant worthy questions I was being asked.

"Ok first... Hi. Second the move is going better than expected even though we were planning on being here over a month ago, things are finally settling in. How have you been? I saw that you were with Dela a couple weeks ago." I tried to sound as interested as possible even though I was just snooping for information on D who has been non-stop texting and calling Shane while slying ignoring me for months at a time,

"Glad to hear it. I was worried you guys would never get here. And yeah I saw her less than a month ago, she seemed to be doing fine. What are you trying to find out Roy?" She gave me knowing look. I shifted my eyes regretting forcing the conversation into the direction it was heading.

"Court told me about the constant contact. Clearly it's getting to you. Whats wrong?"

"I don't know...that's a lie. I get friendship, I mean hello the three of us are best known for it." I gestured to the whole ABC thing.

"But I'm starting to get weary. It started off once every couple of weeks there would be a phone call or a string of texts here and there. That went on for a few months. didn't think anything of it. Then the phone calls became more prevalent and texts were coming on the hour. Its becoming a little overwhelming, not gonna lie. I'm not worried about Shane doing anything questionable, but I'm slightly worried that Dela could cross the line. Normally I love a good line especially if its white, but I do have standards." I hadn't realized how much it was bothering me until now.

"Yeah I understand. I guess tonight will be the test. If Dela acts normal then we know it just friendship, but if she acts a little too flirtatious maybe you should say something."

"Ladies can you follow me. You're up for filming." A producer called into the lobby we were still standing in.

"I'm probaly just being stupid, which is rare I might add. Normally I'm not the 'jealous' type you could say, but I mean Shane and I are getting married so its a little different." I explained while walking with Adore down the stairs to the green screen room.

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