12 ~Presentation of Suitors~

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The Viking ship sailed away en route to DunBroch. They find three other ships sailing in the same direction as them. Must be the other three clans, the Vikings thought.

"Clan Dingwall!" A short man from one of the ships called out as their ship sailed farther than the rest. That man must have been Lord Dingwall.

"Clan MacGuffin!" A rather large man, Lord MacGuffin, shouted from another ship, their ship sailing farther than Dingwall's.

"Clan Macintosh!" A man with long black hair and blue tattoos announced from the ship sailing farther from the other two.

"Do we shout like them, too? Or..." Hiccup muttered as he stood next to his father.

"Of course not. Let them be," Gobber the Belch, Berk's blacksmith and Stoick's most trsuted friend, said as he walked next to Hiccup.

Hiccup then shrugged as they watched the three ships race each other to the castle.


Back at the castle, Elinor was preparing her daughter for the presentation. Merida was dressed in a beautiful turquoise dress with gold trimmings and a white headdress. Around her neck was a silver pendant with the DunBroch insignia etched on it.

It looked perfect, but it was horribly uncomfortable and tight for Merida.

"You look absolutely beautiful," Elinor said proudly and in awe.

"I... I can't breath," Merida complained.

"Give us a twirl," Elinor said, obviously excited.

Merida twirls stiffly. She struggled, taking small steps in turning around.

"I can't move. It's too tight!" Merida groaned as she finished twirling.

"It's perfect," Elinor gasped in awe of her daughter's appearance.

Merida, in turn, made an irritated gesture and frowned. Elinor then looked at her daughter with compassion with Merida returning the look.

"Merida," Elinor said softly.

"Mum?" Merida responded.

"Just..." Elinor hesitated and gained composure, "... remember to smile," she said as she left. Merida watched her leave and followed her.

In the Grand Hall, the triplets and the King sat on their thrones. Merida took her seat, stumbling a bit because of her tight dress. She slouched with a frown. Her mother gestured to her to sit up straight and walked past her. Merida frowned and pulled out a curl of her red hair from outside the headdress. Her mother walked back again and fixed the hair back into the headdress.

Elinor took her seat and they patiently waited for the lords to arrive. Merida pulled the curl out of her headdress again.

Soon enough, the doors bursted open, welcoming the four clans inside. The musicians began to play their bagpipes as the clans proceeded to their respective places.

As the crowd settled down, Fergus stood up from his throne and spoke with uncertainty. "So, here we are! The four clans! Uh... gathering... uh... for..."

Elinor, exasperated by Fergus' slowness, stood up and finished his sentence, "The presentation of the suitors!"

Fergus then quickly followed on from his wife, "The presentation of the suitors!"

The crowd cheered. Elinor and Fergus sat back down on their respective thrones. As they talked, Merida had noticed one certain person from the crowd. How couldn't she? It was Hiccup, the weak Viking. He was like a stick in a pile of rocks. She quickly averted her attention from him and focused on the presentation.

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