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Brendon and I drove and drove until I felt as if I was going to fall asleep. I looked out the window and into the deep purple sky, as brendon pulled into someone's driveway.
I looked at him as he sighed and got out of the car, and so did i.
we walked into a small house that looked like it hadn't been used in forever.
we just sat there, brendon with his head in his hands.
"brendon?" I asked "you okay?"
"We're in Sacramento, California and we need to get to Olympia, Washington to pull this whole stunt off." he responded
"We're gonna be okay" I whsipered.
"promise?" he asked
"promise" I said
((start listening to house of memories, trust me))
just as we said that, a big bang was heard and a man with a fedora busted the door down.
brendons brown eyes widened "Oh god"
"who's that...?" I asked, terrified
"Patrick. Patrick stump. the baddest biker ever. he's in Pete's biker gang." brendon whispered.
((I laughed typing that))
Patrick walked over to us and pulled a gun out and held it against my temple.
"give us the money urie, or the girl gets it" he said, his voice rough
"hey don't involve her in this, she didn't do anything to hurt anybody" brendon said, raising his hands in defeat.
Patrick nodded, and then took the gun off of the side of my head, and brought it up to under brendons chin.
he smiled a sick smile "I've been wanting to do this for a while urie."
"don't you dare even think of shooting him" I said, gaining confidence for some reason.
"what are you gonna do bout it if I do?" Patrick laughed
brendon looked at me "Jennifer, run"
I looked at what was happening.
"she probably runs like such a girl. I'll shoot her too in no time" Patrick smirked.
that's when I got angry.
"hell yeah I'm a girl!!! and I'm gonna kick your ass!!!!!!" I screamed, grabbing the gun from under brendons chin, pinning Patrick on the wall, and pressing it to his forehead.
Patrick laughed "do it, I dare ya"
brendon came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. his hands wrapped around mine on the trigger.
the white tile floor was now covered in Patrick's blood, and his lifeless body was slumped in the corner.
Brendon looked at the body like it meant nothing and put on his fedora, smirking and spinning it around.
"I think it suits me" he laughed
I smiled even though I had just killed a man
"shut up urie" i said, laughing at what Patrick called him.
Brendon put the fedora back on Patrick's head and we walked out of the house, getting back in his car.
"We're gonna make it" he smiled
"we are" I smiled

sorry for killing off sweet innocent Patrick.

THE END - BRENDON URIE Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu