When you have a best friend, it's easy to think they'll stay by your side forever. Wether it's your fault or their fault, it doesn't matter since, in the end, they leave you for a 10 year old brat. Well, okay, maybe that's not EXACTLY how it would work out but for me, that's what happened.

I've known Claire Mariee for years. Let's just say that Claire+New Good Looking Friend+Me= DISASTER. Remember this equation, it's important...kinda. I've acted very calm with Claire. I never tried to start a fight with her or called her anything to her face except immature for getting mad at me for silly little things like texting her new best friend, Annie. Of course she gets mad at me for calling her immature and makes such a big deal out of it but it's not important that she called a bitchy little baby that should stay out of her life. Logic.

Claire never gets in trouble. In school, she puts up this act and everyone thinks she's an angel. She's pretty good looking too. At first, it felt too good to be true that she wanted to be my best friend and what do you know? In the end she leaves me for good ol' Annie.

I'll admit, part of it was my fault too. You see, I kinda acted like I was all high and mighty when I first got to know Claire. I was the class clown. I learned that if you always joked around and didn't take anything seriously, people will think your tough and funny and you wouldn't be picked on as much.

Sometimes, I felt like slapping Claire right across the face. Slapping her hard, too. She tells me all I do is talk about my life when she never listens to me but always talks about her life! She said I ruined her birthday by being depressed! She had the nerve to tell me all these things over texts but never in real life! Coward much? She called me a liar, an idiot, stupid, blind, and deaf.

After that, I told my friend, Faith, about it and she spread the news about how much of a monster Claire was. Someone actually told Claire to burn under the sun and die. She texted me the next day saying I hope you're happy and all this other shit and I took pity on her and decided to forgive her which was a BIG mistake. I was such an idiot.

But let's forget about Claire. She's a hypocrite and immature. I have bigger problems to worry about now then crying over a lying traitor!

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