teenage angst

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" I knew that the terrible teenage stage would come at some point I just did not expect it at 13 Cynnie"

John was getting worried about Indias behaviour lately she has always had an attitude has always fought for attention to be on her constantly and that is not possible with another kid in the house but lately she has been pushing the boundaries and doing things she know will annoy.

" I think this is more than teenage changes this is since Alf showed up and she now wants to meet the rest of the family and it is understandable she is at an age where she understands everything and she feels things very deeply  and she is so insecure John and that scares me."

" Cyn you know my family I just about came out alive. You seen and witnessed how fierce they are especially where I am concerned. Can you imagine India meeting Mimi the poor kid would never survive it"

" I know that and we told her that but she does not believe it  she thinks that she Is just not good enough and we may tell her 100 times that that is not true but she will never believe us."

" so you think we should bring Mimi over here to meet India?"

" I do yeah and let India see what we were talking about and plus India is just like you so Mimi will maybe just love her"

" Mimi ddi not love me at that age she wanted to murder me"

" that's cause you were a nightmare she told me all about you lennon" Cyn giggled

India pov

I am so tired of being treated like a child I'm 13 I am practically an adult and I don't want to be babied anymore they have the perfect Hollie for that.

I was looking at myelf in the mirror and saw that I still looked very childish so I decided I needed to raid my mums make up and make myself more grown up.

I snuck  into mums room and grabbed her make up bag and ran into my room triumphant in my mission. I heard the front door open and then close so I knew my 3 uncles had arrived they were coming over for sunday dinner as they normally do.

I started to go threw the make up bag completely unaware as to what item did what or went where. I remember I used to watch my mum get ready and tried to pick out hat items she used and where abouts.

After about 30 minutes and many runs to the bathroom to wash my face after failing to apply the make up to the right place I finally thought I looked ok with my foundation on which made my skin a light brown colour  and I applied red blusher and some pink eyeshadow along with some mascara. Finished of with bright red lipstick and I thought I looked amazing and I really looke so grown up.

I walked down the stairs feeling beautiful for the 1st time in so long and everyone in the room looked at me with a look of pure horror on there face my daddy was in the kitchen so he did not see me yet

" India what on earth have you done to yourself" Cynthia gasped and India suddenly felt even more uncomfortable in her skin.

" I am making my self pretty mum"

" India llove your beautiful you don't need all that junk on your face" she said her heart breaking

" but I'm not don't you see me?."

" yes I do and I see one beautiful young girl"

John walked into the living carrying a bowl of crisps and once he saw India he dropped the bowl smashing it and sending the crisps flying everywhere.

" what have you done to yourself you look like a clown"

India burst into tears and hid her face completely ashamed

" I'm just trying to be pretty daddy like the girls at my school" she said sobbing into her hands

" you are not like those other girls you don't need to hide behind make up your beautiful"

" IM NOT BEAUTIFUL STOP LYING TO ME YOUS ARE ALWAYS LYING TO ME IM UGLY " she screamed before running upstairs to the bathroom to wash her face

John sat down his head in his hands totally at a lose to what to do

" Why cant she see how utterly beautiful she is. It breaks me to see her so upset and saying that she is ugly she is so beautiful. I wish she could see that."

" she is a teenage girl majority of them are insecure" Paul added

" he is right I'm afraid you will have to get used to this and many more complaints" Ringo added

" she shouldn't be saying that stuff about herself it is not right" George shouted feeling angry and upset

" I agree Geo she needs to see she is beautiful and should never feel anything other than pretty and I'm going to help her" John added now on a mission

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