Third time lucky

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"Omg I'm so happy for you, you have to wear your little black dress when you go on your date so you look super cute" I suggest

"Yes I'm so wearing that" she smiles I can just tell Shawn makes her so happy.
"I personally love the maroon jeans and white crop top and heels" Ava suggests

"Yes your amazing thank you" I say

"Yea I know I know you can't live without me blah blah" she smiles sarcastically.
"Now straighten your hair put on some eye liner and your good to go"

"You got it" I smile as she goes and applies her own make up and slips on her black dress which I chose for her.

"Girl we look fine, lets take a selfie" I say before posting it on Twitter and Instagram with the caption: Just us besties looking fabulous together💫
Ava doing the same before we hear a knock at the door.
"Ahh it's Shawn" I screech looking out the window before pushing Ava towards the door "girl you got this, go get yo man" I tease as she opens the door, her and Shawn hug each other and kiss, before leaving, their so cute.
I go upstairs and take my phone off the charger before hearing a knock at the door. I open the door to see Cameron looking sexy wearing black jeans, a white t and leather jacket.

 I open the door to see Cameron looking sexy wearing black jeans, a white t and leather jacket

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Wow" I say under my breath looking Cameron up and down.

"So you like" he smirks.

"Yes I like a lot" I smile feeling my cheeks heat up.

"You look stunning by the way" Cameron winks handing me a red rose causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.
"Now If you will" he says holding out is arm for me to link mine with, which I do as we walk towards a cute little restaurant.

"Omg look at the sign, if that isn't me" I laugh reading the restaurant sign that said
People suck!
Pizza understands.
Pizza is here for you!

"That's why I chose to come here, it reminds me of you" he laughs.

"I can't argue with that cause it's true" I smile walking into the pizza restaurant, we take our seats. Cameron orders a pepperoni pizza the same as me. We just make small talk until our food arrives.
After eating and talking we decide to go for a stroll along the beach, we come across a large rock and sit on it.
"So I really enjoyed tonight" Cameron smiles looking into my eyes.

"So did I" I agree smelling the rose he gave me.
"I don't think you understand how much I love going on dates with you" I say lying back on the rock"

"You don't even know how happy hearing that makes me" his cheeks going a pink colour as he lays next to me tracing patterns on my belly his fingers brushing over my scars causing my belly to twitch.
"Your so perfect" he smiles placing his head on my shoulder.
"Tonight really couldn't be any more perfect" he gleams looking into my eyes.

"Stop your making me blush really bad" I giggle covering my face and turing so we're facing each other.

"Your not like other girls" he says.

"What do you mean" I ask

"I don't know like the way you play hard to get, like you still haven't let me kiss you and the way you put food before everything" he laughs "just everything about you is amazing, I've never felt like this" he smiles.
Making me smile the widest I've ever smiled.

"I've never been this happy ever I really am falling for you" I smile as we both slowly lean in and our lips connecting. The kiss was passionate and fireworks flew.

"Wow" Cameron whispered as we pulled away "I guess it's true what they say, third time lucky"

"Haha I get it cause I let you kiss me on our third date" I laugh sarcastically whilst Cameron does a cheesy smile.
We decide to slowly walk home, as were walking I get a notification on my phone.

From: Ava👯
Ahhhhh were official

To: Ava👯
Yas girl get in😏😉

"What you smiling about" Cameron asks.

"Ava and Shawn are official" I cheer doing a little dance making Cameron laugh.
"I bet their gonna have some fun and my place" I wink waggling my eyebrows making Cameron laugh even harder.
Soon we reach the apartment and walk inside.

"Have you guys heard" Carter asks

"Heard what" I say

"About Shawn and Ava" he replies

"Ohhhh yea, are they back yet" I ask

"Nah their staying at yours" he smirks

"Told ya" I laugh looking at Cameron.
"Urgh now I can't get any clothes" I whine.

"I got you" Cameron says pulling me to his room and throwing me one of his tops.

"Thank you" I say kissing his cheek before walking into the bathroom to change. After changing removing me make up I walk into Cameron's to see him sleeping cuddled up to his bear, he's adorable. I decide to take a picture of him sleeping before laying next to him on the bed. As I lay down next to him he lets go of the bear cuddling me instead.
I could lay in his arms forever I think as I slowly fall asleep.

Authors note:
Only a short update but vote and comment your opinions.

One Chance (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz