Is it Love or Hate

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Karma pov

"What are you doing?" The principal asking me as she glared at me .

I gulp and slowly stands up to watch her in her eyes. I swear to God I wish the floor opened up and swallow me in.

"Well i'm waiting" she tapped her feet on the ground as her patience was going to explode.

"I was just- "

Fuck it! I don't know what to say. Oh wait!! I'm gonna snitch on Brooke.

"Brooke was in your office ma'am" I put on a warm smile on my face.

"No she's not take a look" she pointed towards her office.

I looked in her office and saw noone . So I looked around to where she might went . Suddenly I spot her further down the hallway staring and laughing at me .

"Well she was their like a minute ago" I got more frustrated and kicked the door.

"Karma you got detention all day" she instructed.


"No but miss Pride see you later" she turned around and left.

"Fucking shit!!" I screamed causing everyone to turn around and stared at me.

"What!? Mind your own business!"

I walked towards Brooke so fast that I almost trip . She saw me coming her way and put a big smile on her face.

" I got detention because of you!" I yelled in her face.

"What did I do ? I wasn't the one who got caught outside the office." She smirked while filing her nails.

"Just shut the fuck up okay i'm sick of playing your games!"
There were a small crowd gathered around us.

"What game? The game you can't even won! Face it Karma i'm far way better than you" she glared at me.

"Right Bella?" She asked Bella glaring at her also.

"Ye-s Br-ooke"

She even put Bella under her spell . Brooke better stop this before I tear her weave into two.

"Bella are you okay?" I felt sorry for her even though she did me wrong. I almost forgave her.

"Don't answer that Bella !. Of course she's fine you idiot!!" Brooke screamed in my face. Everyone started laughing some of them even took out their phone to record this event.

"You little bitch!" I spat at her as she glared at me. Next thing I know she slapped me so hard my face turned to the right. The sound of the slap echoed through the hallway.

Everyone gasped and kept recording. I grabbed my jaw and hold it and glared at her.

Oh hell- to the fuck- to the no!!

I was about to hit her in the fucking face and felt Ally grabbed my hands.

"She's not worth it" Ally told me looking worried.

"Your fucking lucky you know that!" I gritted my teeth.

Brooke smirked and roll her eyes. She began walking with Bella behind her.

Everyone went back to their normal lives. I turned around to face Ally still feeling very angry at her for stopping me and make me look bad.

"What the hell Ally!" I screamed at her. she looked very terrified .

"What do you mean!? I stopped you before you got yourself suspended you bitch!" She folded her fist her face was red from anger.I felt really guilty for reacting to her that way.

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