This Bitch

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The alarm clock went off . I  jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom before Taylor did .

As I was running Taylor saw me and hurriedly chase after me. He then trip me and I fell on the floor hitting my face.

He laughed at me and ran in the bathroom.

"Bitch" I hissed trying to get up of the floor.

After he was finished doing whatever in there. I  went to took a shower and began to pick out an outfit.

I took out a high waist shorts , a floral crop top and black vans. I got dressed and put on some light make up. I stared in my mirror for like 20 minutes. I don't know why though but I guess I just want to see myself. Of how I become as a person. Well not everything ends well for anyone.

I took a deep breath and just exhaled feeling all the pain left my body. I got my shit together and left my room to go downstairs.

I didn't see no sign of my father anywhere around. I only saw a note on the refrigerator.

Dear Karma , I will not be home for three days. So I stock the refrigerator with enough food for you and Taylor. Behave your selves and be safe. Love Brian.

I watched the note and laughed because God knows he didn't care for us none at all he is such a liar.

So pathetic. " Taylor hurry up" I yelled. 

" you don't need to yell at me  i'm right here!! geesh child ".

" Whatever hurry eat your food and by the way Brian will not be here for 3 days so don't wait up for him."

"Okay Kam" he laughed.

" Taylor really? don't you learn to not call me that!"

"Well I like to cause it pisses you off" he said as he went to take his plate to dish washer.

"Whatever and hurry so we can go to school".

"Okay Mom" he grinned and rough up my hair like i'm so little kid.

"Taylor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He know to a fact I don't like when my hair gets messed up .  I glared at him .

he watched me as I stared him like the hawk waiting for sudden movement.

"Run Bitch" I whispered to him as his eyes widened in horror . He gulped and ran through the back door with me tailing behind him. He ran as fast as he could but I couldn't catch him. He ran pass me again dodging all my movements. 

I stopped running and put both my hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath. I watched him ran to the car sped off to school leaving me here with no fucking transportation!!!!!!!



"Hurry up Karma your going to be late for class!" Ally yelled as I was coming down the hallway as panting . Well you know who fault was that !!

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