Try outs

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Picture of Ally


I got up this morning with a headache from crying last night. I got out of bed trying to ease this head ache.

I checked my phone seeing a text from Ally saying that she will come pick me up this morning to take me to school.

I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a nice shower. I took my make up and put some on and some lipgloss. After that I went to wake up Taylor lazy ass for school.

I tried waking him up but he didn't open his eyes. So I got some water out of the bathroom and poured it on him.

He jumped up as he rolled off the bed hitting the floor.

"Ouch!!" as he tried to get off the floor.

"I'm going to get you for this!" he yelled shooting me a death glare.

"You can atleast say thank you"
As I walked outside his room and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen to grab some orange juice and a pop tart to eat for breakfast.

"I'm going to be late tonight so I will have your grandmother to watch you so you won't go nowhere"
Brian said as he came downstairs.

"Okay but I'm old enough to watch myself" I said trying to convinced him to not let grandma to look over me.

"Amm no I'm not stupid last time I checked"

I heard a horn from a car outside knowing it was Ally. "Okay I got to go now Ally is waiting for me".

I went outside leaving him in the livingroom. I ran to Ally's sweet ride across the road. I opened the door and slide in the passenger seat.

As Ally was going to drove off I heard Taylor yelling.

"Wait for me!" as he jogged towards the car.

"Ally step on it!" waiting for ally to drive off.

"Your a mean sister you know" I looked at her and roll my eyes.
Taylor reached the car and got in the car in time .

"Thanks Ally" he said as he got comfortable in the car.

We drove off going to school. Ally
turned on her radio and played Grenade from Bruno Mars.
She began to sing and I tried to close my ears but it didn't work . So I plugged in my headphones.

She saw me as I plugged in my headphones . I didn't noticed she cut my headphone wire until I couldn't hear my music.

"Bitch are you crazy?" I watched her with anger in my eyes.

"No I'm insane" she said as she laughed at my facial expression.

I looked at her and she just smile.

"I am so going to get her for this"

We arrived at school as Ally parked her car. We got out and went to class.

We walked down the hallway and saw Brooke bullying some nerd to let her do her homework.

Ally and I went to our locker to get our books and to go to class. We walked in the classroom and sat at the back.

We saw the teacher step in and take a seat.

"Okay class we got some try outs from the office" the teacher said reading the paper.

"We have for the football team, cheerleaders, swimming team and basketball team" he stated passing the paper.

"Ally I think you should try out for the cheer leading team" I looked at her waiting for an answer.

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