There is Hope

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Hunter POV

I was so fucking mad that I let my guard down.I knew I really like her so much that I couldn't stop my self of loving her. I saw everyone staring at me in shock that the player who I am just got played.I didn't care anymore I just wanted to leave   the cafeteria.

I punched the wall with so much anger that I made a big dent in the wall along the hallways. I couldn't take this anymore.

I saw Ally and Austin coming after me as I put my head against the wall. I really don't want to hear their poor of a excuse of what just happened back there.

"I'm sorry about Karma Hunter" Ally said trying to cheer me up. She sighed and place both her hands on his shoulders to give some comfort.

"Ally you knew about this?" as he raised his perfectly shaped eyebrow and stared right through her eyes .

"No because I thought she actually loves you"she said rubbing my back with small circles giving me the comfort I really needed.

"I loved her and she was the only one I loved how could she do this to me!!!" I punched the wall so hard my knuckles turned bright red.

"Well she is a player and that's what they do and you played other girls so you got the taste of your own medicine." Ally told him as she walked down the hallway filled students trying to see what  happened.

"I'm sorry man that's just how life goes."  As he followed Ally.

I wanted to punch someone so hard quick and fast. I walked out the school building feeling  that my heart broke into million pieces.

I walked  to my car with my head held high that I didn't give a fuck who was looking at me. I opened my car and drove out the parking lot to home.


 My mom was busy cooking  dinner for tonight. I didn't want her to see me like this so I quickly  ran pass her but in no time she saw me.

"What's wrong?" My mom  walked towards me holding a spoon in her bare hands with a worried look on her face.

"Nothing mom  leave me the fuck alone!"  .

I ran upstairs as tears build up in my eyes.

  I just went to my room and locked the door with no hesitation.


"Son are you okay please come out" his mother begged  as she place her hand on the door knob waiting for him to opened the door.

"Oh my god Hunter!" she screamed as she saw him on the floor with pills spilled around him.

She ran to him and  sat down on the ground and hold him in her arms.

"Hunter can you hear me" his mother said as she began to cry. She hugged him so hard as she took a deep breath and watched her son face as it was so pale that she almost couldn't recognized him.



My cell phone vibrated on my dresser and I look at my phone screen. The first thing I saw was Hunters face . He look so cute and handsome that I felt guilt hit me hard on my chest. I felt my heart skipped a beat. I inhaled deeply and hit the answer button.

Karma: Hello

Hunter's mom:  Hunter is in the hospital!

Karma: wait what? What happened?

Hunter's mom: He drug himself and won't wake up. 

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