Chapter 3

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This evening at home I lay in my bed and suddenly remember the piece of paper Ricky gave me.I rummage through my pockets, ah there it is. I unfold it, there is a number written on it. I can't believe it, Ricky Wilson gave me  his number. I tap it into my phone and save it under Ruby. Hm should I text him? Perhaps he is already asleep. Ok only a little text so he has my number. 

"Hey it's me, Skylar. I don't know if you remember me but you gave me your number. Now you have mine too. "

No two minutes later there is a reply from Ricky.

"Sure I remember you. It 's not everyday I give my number to a beautiful girl."

I sigh to myself and think "How can one be so charming?" But I'm not one of those girls who fall easily for it. I mean Obviously  I like him, his looks and charm. But honestly I don't know him really. We only see the side which is for the media and I don't have any hope that he could be interested in a girl like me....

"You' re really a charmer. What did you want to talk about?"

"Your blackmail thing of course. I'm curious."

" Not over the phone. Perhaps you have some time on your hands to meet up with me tomorrow?"

"So you want a date? Why haven't you said so?"

" Ricky can you please be serious for once? This is really important for me."

" Sorry sometimes I just can't help myself. But I have time. Is it ok if we meet at 3 pm at the studios?"

" That's alright. But prepare for a trip."

"So we have date? ;) "

I choose not to reply to that, turned my phone off and got to sleep.

The next day arrives earlier than is good for me. I grown loudly as my alarm goes of. I get out of bed, have a shower and get dressed. I wander into the kitchen. My sister is already there. We leave the house to get breakfast somewhere. We tour sometime through the streets and enjoy the day together. These days are rare since I moved here. Then it is time for me to head back to the house to get ready for my "date". 

For what I have in mind I need slightly sporty clothes.So I change into some black leggings with a long sleeved, long shirt in gray with a big print on the front. I grab my black pumps and put my hair into a messy bun. I take my big purse and shove my dancing shoes inside. After I freshed my make up up, I was ready to go. I leave the house and head to the studios.

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