First Kill, still 9 years old

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*Demons POV*

We teleport in front of a large house. "Is this his house?," I ask Dad. He nods and sets me down.

"He lives alone, so it makes killing him easier," I nod. We go up to his porch and I see a window open upstairs. "Make me proud Demon, I'll be in the shadows," smiles my Dad teleporting away. I will make you proud Dad. I stretch out my wings and flap up to the window. Looking inside I see it's a hallway. Carefully opening it I crawl inside and onto the ceiling making sure my tail is tucked in so it doesn't dangle. Mr. Jun walks out of a room and looks at the window, he shivers, shuts it, and goes back into the room, this should be fun.

*Mr. Jun's POV*

I shut the window and go back into my bedroom, man why does it feel like something is watching me? I plop down on my bed and continue watching my show and drinking my beer. When the feeling something watching me again. Looking around I see nothing and sigh. "I think it's bedtime," I mumble to myself and lie down. I was about to fall asleep when I hear a little girls laughter making the hairs on my neck stand. "Who's there?!," I demand sitting back up. That's when my breath catches. My student Daria comes out. Except it's not her. This little girl has sharp teeth, demon wings, and a tail. "Daria?," I gasp. She giggles evilly.

"You shouldn't have put me in time out Mr. Jun, cause now it's your turn for a timeout, permanently," I went to back up, but she jumps on me cackling loudly. I scream as she sinks her teeth into my shoulder. "Quiet!," she shrieks, her tail comes around and chokes my throat I gasp for air, she merely giggles giving me a closer look at her pointed teeth. "You were a good teacher you know that?" she drags her finger from my eye to my lip. "Too bad you wouldn't listen, good night Mr. Jun," she shuts my eyes as I still raggedy gasp for air. That's when I feel her teeth enter my throat making blood rush to it and choke me even more. I gasp for air once more before fading into black.

*Slendermans POV*

I listen closely to everything that's happening. Waiting in the shadows for Demon to finish her kill. The human gasps for air and his heartbeat stops. I smile, my baby girl did it, her first kill, I'm so proud. She flys out of the man's bedroom window and immediately spots me. "I did it Daddy!," she whispers squeals hugging my legs.

"Yes you did, I'm so proud of you Demon," I grin picking her up. She has blood everywhere.

"Thanks, Daddy," she giggles. She looks at me and a little light bulb seems to go off in her head. Uh oh. She takes some of the blood off of her small finger and draws a smile on my face with it. "Now you can really smile Daddy!," she giggles.

"Thank you, dear, come on let's go back to the mansion," she nods and I teleport back. When we get back she goes to bathe herself and I go into the kitchen to wash the bloody smile off of my face. After I make a small bowl of vanilla and chocolate ice cream for Demon for completing her first kill.

"Dad where are Uncles?," Demon asks coming down in her Elsa pajamas.

"They moved out remember?" she scrunches her face for a second before nodding.

"Must have forgotten, oo ice cream!" she grins sitting down and automatically digs into the bowl. After she finishes the dessert she gives me a hug.

"Night Dad," she yawns.

"Night sweety," a place one of my invisible kisses on her forehead and she goes up to bed. I sigh happily watching her go. I'm so thankful that I found that woman and got my beautiful daughter.

"Hello Slender," greets Trendor from behind me.

"Hello Trendor," I greet back turning around. "What brings you back to the mansion?"

"I just came to see how everything's going, how is Demon?" he grins.

"Wonderful, she just went on her first kill, I couldn't be more proud," I beam.

"That's great, brother, now brother, don't mind me asking, but what are you going to do when she starts dating?," questions Trendor.

"Dating?!," I freak. I haven't even thought of that. My little girl, dating?! I SWEAR IF ONE BOY TOUCHES HER THE WRONG WAY OR HURTS HER I'LL- I calm myself before I freak out too much I still have a while before she dates, no need to freak Slender. "I'll kill any man that dares to hurt her," I answer scary calm.

"Yes, and of course all of your older brothers will be there to help you," chuckles Trendor.

"Thank you brother," I nod. He smiles softly back at me.

"Any time Slender, I must be off," he teleports away and I sigh, my baby girl dating, I'd rather not think about that. Going upstairs I prepare for bed thinking of the future.

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