I want you to know chapter 63

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That afternoon 

Riley - Maya

Maya - honey

Riley - you OK

Maya - yeah yeah I'm OK Riles

Riley - you  sure peaches

Maya - yeah um I I think I left my science book in class I don't want to go get it but I  will anyway

Riley - OK

Maya goes back to Cory's class

Cory - Maya you're back

Maya - I forgot something Matthews

Cory - really

Maya - yeah my science book

Cory - did you find it

Maya - yeah later Matthews

Cory - Maya wait take a seat

Maya - Matthews I don't want to

Cory - Maya

Maya - fine

She sits

Cory - Maya what's wrong

Maya - nothing nothing Matthews

Cory - Maya I know you

Maya - so what's your point Matthews

Cory - this isn't just about some book you forgot and you say that nothing's wrong but something's been wrong since you left my class today it was about the lesson I gave today wasn't it

Maya - what No

Cory - it was and you're scared you say you don't get scared of anything but you are while I do believe you don't get scared of anything I believe this time you are because you know Riley and Lucas are getting married and you think but because they're getting married Riley won't have time for you anymore and that scares you

♡Unbreakable♡ ☆Rucas☆ BY Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now