he said what chapter 40

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Riley - you look like you want to  exploded some more baby

Lucas - I don't I want to talk beautiful

Riley - OK go

Lucas - he told my mom that she ruined me

Riley - what he what

Lucas - yeah

Riley - she didn't

Lucas - those words play in my  head over and over again Riley

Riley - she did everything the right  way he's trying to turn you into who he is Lucas he's mad because you're not like him baby you can't do this to yourself  you are good

Lucas - he'll be back and he'll test me Riley

Riley - you told me that it was you and me and it is more than anything especially now 

Lucas - if I became him he'd be proud of me but I don't want I never wanted that

Riley - you don't have that you have me you have your mom you have Maya Zay and Farkle you have us you even have my mom you know she loves you that's not going anywhere and my dad knows you'll take care of me because even though it's been the longest road for you too he likes you too no he'll never tell you but you know that so you're okay with him not telling you because you already know

Lucas - Riley 

Riley - yeah

Lucas - I love you more and more everyday

She sits on his lap

Riley's phone rings

Riley - hello

Cory - Riley

Riley - yeah

Cory - how's Lucas doing

Lucas - he's better dad

Cory - I don't know what Lucas is going through only you know but tell him that I'm always here

Riley - I will

Cory - honey are you OK

Riley - why wouldn't I be OK

Cory - you're my daughter and I know you what's happening

Riley - Nothing dad I'm fine

Cory - Riley Grace Matthews

Riley - don't middle name me I'm fine

Cory - OK bye I love you

Riley - I love you too bye

She hangs up

Lucas - Riley why is your dad worried about you I mean he's always worried about you but why does this sound different

Riley - I don't know I'm fine Lucas

Lucas - are you sure about that princess

Riley - yeah Lucas

Lucas - you are safe baby girl

Riley - yeah

Maybe she Whispers to herself

Lucas - look at me

She looks at him so deeply

Lucas - you my princess dancing sunshine aren't going anywhere and if you ever do I'll fight like hell to get you back you hear me

Riley - I hear you

♡Unbreakable♡ ☆Rucas☆ BY Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now