who she fell in love with who he fell in love with chapter 30

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Riley - guys give us a minute

Maya - OK smoothies guys

Zay and Farkle - yeah

Maya - you're  buying boys

Zay and Farkle - fine

Maya - honey you know where to find us

Riley - yeah

Maya - OK

They leave

Lucas looks at Riley

Lucas - I know what you're gonna say Riley

Riley - do you

Lucas - yes that what I'm doing is not the right way that I could get hurt or worse that you love me more then anything

Riley - man you know me

Lucas - un-huh and I love you too witch is why I'm

She cuts him off

Riley - now You're about to say you're doing this because you love me  and that you would do anything for me including hurt Charlie look baby their's nobody who wants Charlie gone more then me but the way you do this will change you forever Lucas I won't let you lose yourself if you lose yourself baby then Charlie wins and we don't want that so there has to be another way to do this

Lucas - what way is that beautiful

Riley - I don't know yet

Lucas - well until you have another idea this idea stands OK I do what I have to for you're protection

Riley - Lucas NO

Lucas - do you have a better idea because I would love to hear it

Riley - why are you so stubborn

Lucas - you love me Riley

Riley - I do and who I fell in love with knows that I don't like this idea you've got

Lucas - and who I fell in love with knows that  I will stop at nothing to protect her

Riley - Lucas Friar don't do it

Lucas - Riley Matthews I won't

He hugs her 

Riley - oh Lucas don't lie to me It won't end well for you 

Lucas - I'm not

♡Unbreakable♡ ☆Rucas☆ BY Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now