twisted part 3 chapter 51

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Hello My Rucas Angels

2 weeks later

Lucas's mom - I'll  be back

Riley and Lucas - OK

She leaves

Riley - is she gonna

Lucas - yeah looks like it

Riley - what's wrong Lucas

Lucas - I'm worried about her

Riley - you're mom can take care of herself she's strong Lucas

Lucas - you're right but

Riley - she can OK hey shouldn't you be getting ready to meet you're dad

Lucas - shit you're right

He runs to take a shower and get ready to see his dad again

Riley's phone rings

Riley - hello

Cory - honey

Riley - dad hi

Cory - Riley you OK

Riley - yeah Lucas really needs me right now I don't want to leave him he's got a lot going on dad

Cory - I called to tell you that you're mom coming home from the Hospital tomorrow

Riley - I'll be there tomorrow dad I'm happy she's well enough to come home 

Cory - OK honey see you tomorrow

Riley - tomorrow dad

She hangs up

Lucas - what's tomorrow

Riley - oh hi my mom comes home from the hospital tomorrow

Lucas - that's amazing baby girl

Riley - it is it is

Lucas - Beautiful what's wrong

Riley - Nothing Nothing I just um

Lucas - he won't come after you when you go home beautiful I know it

Riley - how

Lucas - he will get caught that's how I know beautiful

Riley - I love you 

Lucas - I love you hey Riley

Riley - yeah Lucas

Lucas - do you want to  come with me to meet my dad

Riley - I would love to Lucas

She gets ready

Lucas - he'll love you Riley I know it

Riley - OK how do I look

Lucas - beautiful as always you know that

Riley - and you look great Lucas

♡Unbreakable♡ ☆Rucas☆ BY Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now