one day chapter 28

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Riley -  hey Lucas

Lucas - yes beautiful

Riley - what are you doing

Lucas - just research beautiful

Riley - huh

Lucas - don't worry

Riley - yeah I won't I promise

Lucas - good I'll be back going to the kitchen

Riley - OK

He leaves the Room 

Riley gets a text

It says

I'm closer then you think

Riley - No No No

Lucas comes back to see that the look on her face is fear

Lucas - what Beautiful what happened

Riley - this

He sees the text

Lucas - damn it

Riley - what now

Lucas - I have to go see somebody

Riley - who

Lucas - Beautiful trust me  OK

Riley - I do Lucas

She sees his face his eyes are filled with rage nothing else

Riley - don't do anything stupid Lucas

Lucas - I'm not

He leaves

Riley - first my mom now this happens to when will it stop

She buries her face in her hands and tries  not to scream

Hours later still No word from Lucas Riley is worried now

Riley - he's gonna kill me for this but what the hell

Riley leaves to go find Lucas

Riley - I'm doing this for him all for him
For hours go by Lucas comes back to see that Riley left

Lucas - what the hell No Riley No She didn't

Lucas calls everywhere looking for her

Lucas - fuck this is not good

He calls her No Answer

He runs out of the house

Lucas's mom - luke where are you going

Lucas - I'll be back mom

Lucas's mom - but

Lucas - trust me

Lucas's mom - OK OK

Before she knows it He was gone just like that

Lucas's mom - it's happening with them I need to know before it's to late to help please let it be OK I love them so so much with all my heart please let it be OK

♡Unbreakable♡ ☆Rucas☆ BY Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now