subway chapter 11

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Riley - hey Lucas

Lucas - yeah

Riley - I think I have the perfect way to get you the rest of your memory back

Lucas - what

Riley - I want to try something do you trust me

Lucas - is that a trick question of course I trust you

Riley -  then just follow me

They go out the window down the fire escape to  the subway

Lucas - the subway

Riley - yes The subway this is where we had our first kiss first date this is where we Met I fell into your lap and said hi we were just talking about you you used to go out with my friend Maya you said I'm Lucas I said I love it do you remember any of that Lucas

Lucas - well Yes what I don't remember is the every before the accident and haft my life that doesn't have you in it

Riley - what was he doing that day before the accident even I don't know

Lucas - what are we do I'm going crazy not having the rest of my memory Riley I need it I Know Who I Am With You but I want to know the rest of me too I want to remember all of me Everything

Riley - we'll figure this out I promise

Lucas - where do we start

Riley - we have to figure out what happened before the accident or if somebody knows something we have to go back to where you were hit we have to maybe that's the key to helping you and I remember where  Zay Farkle and I found you

Lucas - where Princess

Riley - you were in the school parking lot Lucas 

They Stop at School

Riley - we found you dead in the middle of the school parking lot you were in so much pain we found you right here right in the middle

He looks at the spot where he once laid unconscious a few days ago

Lucas - who would want to hit me in the school parking lot

Riley - and why I might have another idea come on

They run to Riley's Car

Lucas - where are we going

Riley - we need to go see Farkle

At Farkle's House she knocks on the door 

Farkle - Riley hi

Riley - Farkle I need your help

Farkle - with what

Riley - helping Lucas get all of his memory back

Farkle - how can I help

Riley - we all know that he was hit in the school parking lot we all know that the school parking lot has cameras I need you to find a way for us to see that video footage maybe we can see who hit him

Farkle - come in

They come in

Farkle - Riley I'm in the school's security system

Riley - can you get footage

Farkle - yes I'm Farkle you know I can do this Riley 

He gets the footage

Farkle -  Riley it's got it

Riley - yes can we see who hit him Farkle

Farkle - it was Charlie Gardner

Riley - thank you Farkle I owe you

Farkle - you owe me nothing

Back in Riley's Car

Riley - hey you OK  you look really pissed off right now

Lucas's eyes turn as red as flames and Riley can tell

Lucas - Charlie Gardner why does  the name sound so familiar

Riley - wait that name sounds familiar to you

Lucas - yes it does and I don't know why 

Riley - but I do Lucas Charlie is a part of our story I don't know what clicked in you but whatever it is I hope we can get it back because this is one step closer to getting your whole memory back

Lucas - I hated him didn't I

Riley - hated him that's an understatement and you still do we all do all roads lead back to Charlie Gardiner

Lucas - I'll kill him

Riley - when we get your memory back you can do whatever you want to Charlie right now let's focus on you it's the most important thing

Lucas - I love you princess

Riley - I love you too Friar we can make it through anything including this

Looks like Lucas is starting to Remember after all stay tuned guys love you

♡Unbreakable♡ ☆Rucas☆ BY Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now