Chapter 16

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"No, there is too much going on. A wedding is . . . not appropriate," I shook my head with finality.

"I proposed to you what feels like forever ago and we haven't even begun to plan a wedding," Derek sighed annoyed.

"No, we can't. Protecting our people from the hunters is the most important thing to focus on right now. And anyway . . . we would have to plan two separate weddings and I cannot take that kind of pressure right now. I can't take the pressure of planning one wedding."

"I do not need a separate wedding," Marcus cut in, "I will marry you on the same alter as Derek. That is what this is all about, Love, unity. As long as Derek is okay with that?" Marcus looked to Derek and Derek nodded agreeing with him.

"And I will plan everything. I have already been cooking up some ideas since I heard about the proposal, of course, I will really have to work on Marcus's part of the wedding, but . . . give me a couple of weeks." Elena smiled

"A couple of weeks," I gulped. "No, it needs to be sooner. Today, tomorrow . . . I will be too big in a couple of weeks. If we are doing this before I have the twins then we are doing it now," I demanded.

"I don't care how big you are," Derek sighed sitting beside me.

"You'll be beautiful until the moment you deliver those babies and forever after that," Marcus took my hand in his.

"I . . . still. It's my wedding. My day . . . I say now or never so if you want this damn wedding get working on it," I looked to Elena.

"Okay, I'll go get Theresa," Elena squealed and then ran out of the den.

"Are you feeling alright?" Derek looked at me concerned.

"I . . . I am worried about all that is going on and how in hell I am going to . . . I don't know everything is wearing down on me," I breathed, dropping my head into my hands.

"Well, that isn't for you to worry about. Leave all of that to us," Marcus said easily. "Lean on us for anything."

"I am, but you guys are so worried all the time and I am worried about you and . . . it's hard," I mumbled into my hands.

"Worried?" Derek scoffed.

"Don't try and lie," I continued to speak into my hands. "I can feel you worrying . . . both of you. Being mated doesn't leave you a lot of privacy."

"Oh, sorry, Kendra," Marcus sighed.

"Don't apologize," I lifted my head to look at them. "It's fine, I just . . . I know what's going on and you don't have to hide it from me. I am an Alpha Female and I need to be involved in this too. . . so please, don't shut me out," I breathed.

"We don't want to put any stress on you, Kendra. It's not that we are shutting you out. Once you have the twins you will be just as involved as we are," Marcus smiled reassuringly.

"Right now, you should be resting and that's that," Derek patted my knee.

"Yeah, all I have been doing is resting," I grumbled laying back into the couch. "It is incredibly boring. I think I will go insane if I have to sit around and do nothing for another moment," I complained.

They both laughed.

"It's not funny . . . I really need something to do . . ." I whined.

"No, Kendra, we are only watching out for you," Marcus shook his head.

"We can send Elena and Theresa in here and you can go over the wedding plans," Derek smirked standing.

"Fine, at least it's something," I sighed. I was sick and tired of this babying and pampering and rest . . . I wanted to go out and mess around I want to run around and do something not serious . . . I needed time to be myself. I went from Beta's daughter – luxurious, stress-worthy sometimes, but overall I was just dad's little girl – then I woke up and suddenly I was now Beta's Sister because my dad died . . . he left me, then I left my home just to have so over-possessive Alpha claim me as his mate. Then finally when I thought I was getting back to normal, some over-confident vampire king decided he wanted to claim me as his, too.

From Beta's Sister to Alpha's Mate (Book 1: Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora