Chapter 7

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Marcus suddenly grabbed me and looked right into my eyes.

His lips barely moved as he whispered "You will make him believe you love me or I will drain him," I gasped at his words. I would do anything to save Derek. Then for emphasis on his threat, he stabbed his teeth into my neck.

"No!" Derek demanded with a threatening growl.

I want to push Marcus away and run to him. I want to feel his arms wrapped tightly around me as he kissed me, but I couldn't have that, not if I wanted him to live.

Marcus broke his teeth from my neck and then licked his lips. He leaned back into my neck and licked my neck clean, I felt the bite heal. I shivered wanting to be anywhere but in his arms.

"It's done," Marcus smirked down at Derek, keeping his hold on me. Seeing Derek on the ground in pain was too much. I kept my eyes on Marcus, to be safe.

"What's done?" Derek growled, struggling against the vampires who held him down.

"She is no longer your mate, Derek. She is my queen," Marcus looked back to me meeting my eyes, daring me to disobey him.

I opened my mind to his compulsion allowing him to take control of me, and take the edge off. I knew it would be easier for me if my mind wasn't entirely my own to control.

I felt Derek's eyes on me. I knew he was looking for something anything, some sort of sign that would let him know I was still his, that was why I trained my eyes on Marcus. I forced myself to look at him from the eyes of someone who could love him. To admire his smooth, strong features. To adore his icy blue eyes. I knew it worked when Derek, struggled against the vampires again. His visible pain caused me pain, but there was nothing I could do.

"You forced her to love you!" Derek growled the pain clear in his voice, "She loved me of her own free will!"

"Loved is the key word in that sentence, Alpha," Marcus sneered walking forward, releasing me from his grasp. I continued to walk beside him, keeping my body close to him, allowing the cold to seep into my skin.

I allowed myself to look at Derek then. I wanted to tell him that Marcus was wrong, that my love for him could never be past tense, but I only allowed myself a moment or weakness. I need to control myself because if I didn't it would be Derek's life and mine along with it. I would refuse to live without Derek. So when his eyes met mine I kept them closed off, and cold. It took so much not to run to him and hold him, protect him from all this.

"Kendra, please! Kendra, look at me . . . listen to . . ." The guard pressed harder on my back. I gasped and Marcus glared down at me. Luckily, Derek was too much in pain to notice, "Fuck," He growled and it killed me. I wanted to scream at Marcus, Let him go! I am doing what you want now let him go!

"Get this pathetic excuse for an Alpha wolf out of here," Marcus demanded, waving his hand towards the door, "Oh and, Derek, do not even thinking about coming back. There are much worse things I could do to our dear Kendra" He smirked and then was behind me, his arm around my waist holding me tight against his chest. I felt the cold from his skin against my back. His other hand brushed the hair from my neck holding it aside. I felt my heartbeat race as I felt his fangs brush against my bare neck, but then instead of biting me again he ran his tongue along my neck causing me to shiver, "She does taste so very fine."

"She's mine . . . She will always be mine. There is no way to change that!" Derek snapped as the vampires lifted him off the ground, dragging him towards the door. I could only hope that he had listened to me about the attacks. If the vampires didn't attack us and we didn't attack them, then how did those men die? How did my father die? This was something we needed answered.

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