Chapter 11 - Adventures

Start from the beginning

I stayed there, still and quiet in his arms. 

Suddenly, something was soothing my hair gently. Jacob was awake. He was running his fingers through my hair. The hairs on my arms rose and my body tightened. The butterflies that loved to be in my stomach were here again.

I slowly put my head up until I could see his face smiling down to me. I immediately smiled back. He was so beautiful and being this close to him made me feel so perfect. Like nothing was wrong and at the moment nothing was. 

“Hey, beautiful.” Jacob whispers in a husky voice that made my heart leap. Did he always sound so perfect?

“Hey, sexy.” I tried my best to hide how nervous I was feeling. I’d never felt like this before. Just seeing him here in this bed with me, in all his morning glory made me feel so alive...

“How did you sleep?” 

“Better than ever.” I tell him, melting under his gaze.

“Good.” He bents down a slight bit and I close my eyes instinctively, loving the feeling of his soft morning kiss.

We pull our lips away and just daze into each others eyes for a long time.

“What day is it, Evelyn?” Jacob asks with something of a playful tone.

“Wednesday? Oh, shit it’s wednesday! We forgot to put an alarm for school!” I didn’t know why I was totally freaking out.

“Relax, Ev.” he chuckles “You and I both now it doesn’t matter if we skip today.” He smiles at me, completely amused at how worried I must have looked.

“You’re right. Except for the fact that this week has been a pattern of me showing up and not showing up. People will think we escaped on some sort of adventure together.” I’m chuckling now because I knew that someone would make a joke of the sort if both of us made a no-show. 

Jacob laughed.

“Who says we haven’t?”

“Huh?” I ask

“Let’s go on an adventure together.” He smiles.

“Today? Like right now?” 

“Yeah, today, like right now.” He answers.

“What would we do?” I was truly getting excited now. this sounded so cool to just ditch and go anywhere and do whatever with Jake. It could be so much fun to just be random sometimes.

“Anything. Let’s get ready.

“Okay!” I was totally into this right now and Jacob probably noticed since he was chuckling.

“I love it when you get excited. You turn into a little girl.” I just smiled brightly and as much as I wanted to stay here and just cuddle with him, I also wanted to get up and go somewhere. I got up from the bed and took my bag into the bathroom, all the while hearing Jacob laughing.

I took my clothes from the bag and stripped myself of what I wearing. Abruptly, Is stopped moving when I saw myself in the mirror. The bruises on my chest weren’t getting any better. Still a horrible dark purple spread around my torso. I looked away from the mirror when flashbacks came into mind and I tarted feeling vulnerable again. That feeling of being on top of the world was gone as I remembered what happened that night. 

I didn’t want to ruin my day by thinking of this. I’d have to move on eventually and stopping to think of what had happened wasn’t going to help me. I was going to get dressed away from the mirror and have the best day with Jacob, I was determined not to let anything get in the way. 

I used the toilet then dressed up into the clothes I had packed. A nice light blue flowy blouse that covered almost all my bruises and light grey shorts with some white flip flops. I fumbled in my bag for my toothbrush, hair brush, and deodorant. They weren’t there.

“Jake!” I called for him.


“I need to use your tooth brush, hair brush,-”

“Go ahead.” He leans on the door way with a cute and goofy smile. My heart leaped at his pose. 

“Don’t you mind if I use your tooth brush?”

“Why would I? We already share DNA and I wouldn’t mind anyway.”

“Shut up.” I start blushing like crazy and Jacob is chuckling. 

I get his red toothbrush and mint paste then start scrubbing my teeth until I felt they were clean. I spit out the paste into the sink. 

“Ew!” I jump at the sound and turn to see Jacob displaying a pretend grossed out face.

“Hey! I didn’t know you where still here!” I defended myself.

“You know I was just playing.” He’s cracking up at my horrified face. I ignore him and start to brush my hair until I knew it was untangled. I looked to the doorway again to see if Jake was still there and sure enough he was smirking at me. I give him a what-the-hell look. 

“Fine. I’ll go.” He puts his hands up as an attempt of defense and backs away. I chuckle under my breath. Jake...

I put some deodorant on and go check if by any chance my perfume was in my bag. It was! I put some on and walk out of the door.


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