A Tearful Reunion

Start from the beginning

"Angelica?" I called out.



"You know this guy?" the pink haired looked at her and pointed at me.


"Angelica?" the raven haired guy asked her.

"J-Jasper-sama!" she cried and dove into my arms. They all looked at me and I pulled my hood down and stood up.

"Boku no Lockser Jasper.Onii-san desu."


"Yeah...Alngelica knows me aswell as she knows my sister."

"Jasper-sama!!! Where were you? I was worried! Juvia-sama was also worried. WAAAAAAHHHH!!!" she cried.

"Gomen Angelica."

"State your business.."

"I want to save my sister and I know how to defeat Alex."


"Beneath the manor, there's a special weapon that can kill him. Only Angelica can get the weapon out of its container. The reincarnations are the only two people who can use it."

"Reincarnations? You mean..."

"Gray and Juvia?!!!"


"That's me." he walked in front of me.

"I see... Well, are you willing to help me?"


"Well then.. I'll assign the troops."

"Aregato Master."

end of flash back

Jasper's POV

Juvia feel o her knees and was crying. "Juvia, what's wrong?" Monica asked her. She looked at us and tears fell on her left eye... but blood was coming out of the right one.


"Minn-san... came here to save me?"


"But, they'll be killed. Killed because of me!"

"Do you know what makes Fairy Tail strong?" Monica asked her, kneeling down and holding her hand.

"Eh?" Juvia looked at her.

"When the time comes where their comrades... their friends are in trouble, they wont hesitate to fight just to make sure that their friends are safe." she smiled.

"That's right. You managed to find the guild that values friendship more than anything." I agreed and held her hand.

Juvia's POV

Juvia began to remember everything that happened to Fairy Tail. All those warm, happy moments.

"Jasper-nii-san... Monica-nee."

"Juvia... They chose to participate in this battle because of two things." Monica-nee said.

"2 things? What?" Juvia asked.

"1. They want to see you in the guild once more, happy." Monica-nee smiled and wipped my left eye.

"2. They want to stop Alex as much as you want to stop him." Jasper-nii-san wipped my right eye.

Juvia looked at them and they smiled at me...They somehow remind me of Mama and Papa.

"Juvia... do you know understand what Fairy Tail's true strength is?" Monica-nee said.


"What Fairy Tail does best..." Jasper-nii-san said.


Juvia looked at them and smiled. Then we did a small group hug....

They're right...

Fairy Tail isn't all destruction. Fairy Tail's true strength can overcome all circumstances. Fairy Tail is home.

Juvia will return to Fairy Tail!

The three of us got up and I used Jasper-nii-san's dagger and cut the skirt until it reached my knees, thus revealed Juvia's brown boots and Juvia took of the veil and tiara off her head and tossed it aside.

Together, we continued walking until we could find Angelica-san.

The battle has just began!



Hidden in a dark room. A figure of a man was sitting on a throne and in front of him was a chess board with the chess pieces set. He let out an eveil laugh. "All pieces are in place. The battle beings!" he said.

Juvia's faith and Gray's vowWhere stories live. Discover now