Marble Circle

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Lucy's POV

Wow! I could not believe this! And I think the others don't believe it themselves... We're going to practice at Marble Circle! Marble Circle is a large white circle made out of magic marbles that states that if the fated partners (a.k.a Mages) will dance here, their magic will increase 15 times stronger!

Lillia smiled at us and we stood in the Circle. Once more, Lillia closed her eyes and chanted a spell. Then, bright purple and white light shined on us and it shone brighter... So bright that we needed to shield our eyes...

Once the light faded, I opened my eyes and looked around and I was not wearing my normal clothes nor were the others or Lillia herself...

I was wearing a simple knee-high pink and white dress with a bow belt and white heels...

Natsu was wearing a white long-sleeve shirt, white pants and white shoes but he was still wearing his scarf...

Juvia was wearing a long-sleeve knee-high navy blue and white dress and whitish-blue heels...

Gray was wearing a white long-sleeve shirt, white pants and white shoes but he was still wearing his necklace...

Lillia was wearing an elbow-length purple dress with a white trim and white heels...

"Before we start, why are practising here?" Gray asked, looking at the large marble circle infront of us.
"Because the 4 of you will present Danse de Deux Mages." Lillia answered.
"Danse ce-watta?" Natsu stammered.
"Danse de Deux Mages. It's a traditional dance that is formed when two Mages magic fuse as one." a voice said.

We all looked back and saw a guy about 16 or 17 years of age. He had spiky brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin.. He was clad in a long-sleeve black shirt, black pants and black shoes. 

"Who are you?!" Natsu growled.
"Don't worry. He's with me..." Lillia reassured.
"Lillia?" Juvia whispered.
"Minna, this is Christopher but he prefers to call himself Chris. He's my partner." Lillia introduced.
"A pleasure to meet you Chris. I'm Lucy, she's Juvia and that's Natsu and Gray." I said.
"It's my pleasure to meet all of you Fairy Tail." Chris said politely.
"So, can you explain the Danse-something??" Natsu asked.
"It's Danse de Deux Mages. It's a dance that tow mages do to fuse their magic as one and make a beautiful Magic-themed artwork out of it." Chris explained. 
"Huh?? I don't get it!" Natsu complained.
"Let us show you for a better view." Lillia said with a smile.
"O-Ok.." I said.
"Chris?" Lillia said, looking at Chris with happy eyes.

Lillia's POV
Chris took my hand and we positioned ourselves in the middle of one circle and slowly we danced.
While dancing,  purple gliterry dust appeared and danced around, later Chris used his Air Molding Magic and used the air to move and form my Purple Dust into figures like bunnies, cats, bird etc.

They seemed that they were impressed with our dance. After dancing, we bowed to them and they gave us a round of applause...

"That was amazing!"
"Juvia was stunned!"
"So, we have to dance something like that?!"
"Well, yes but the style will be your combination of powers."
"Danse de Deux Mages is French for "Dance of Two Mages" it means that your powers will become one and will release it into a beatifull art work, and that is the dance it self.

I think that Natsu-dono understood me so I led Juvia-dono and Gray-dono's hand away from Chris, Lucy-dono and Natsu-dono... They weren't suppose to know what they will present...

Chris' POV

Well, Lillia already took the two, I'll guess I'll prepare these two...

Juvia's faith and Gray's vowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें