The 7 Heirloom's Past Story

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Hi guys!
Sorry if the job was insanely loong!!!
Here's the chapter's latest upload!!!

P.S: this is all Gray's POV



This place has so many hidden rooms and its starting to get on my nerves...
Note to self: NEVER accept a job that involves heirlooms EVER AGAIN!

Anyway, Juvia already found one of the heirlooms. It was a silver necklace with a yellow topaz as the pendant. "Nice work Juvia." I said. Juvia smiled to me and we started to look for the other 6 heirlooms.

after 30 minutes of searching 

Juvia found 2 more heirlooms plus the one she found earlier makes it 3 and I found 3 heirlooms as well, which makes it 6.
"One heirloom left."
"Come on, let's look for it."

Juvia and I searched everywhere, but we couldn't find it anywhere.

Moments later, I noticed that Juvia was staring at something.

"Oh yes?"
"Everything alright?"
"Um. Yes. Juvia was just thinking about somethings."
"Well, the portrait we saw earlier."
"What about the portrait?"
"Well, Juvia saw something on her neck."
"You mean, you think that she's wearing one of the heirlooms?"
"What makes you say that?"
"Well, Juvia noticed that all 6 heirlooms are necklaces. And Ms. Sapphire..."

Juvia nodded and we ran out of the mansion and into Walker Estate.

at Walker Estate

Juvia and I entered the Mansion and saw Sapphire.

"Ms. Sapphire!" Sapphire called out.
"Sir Gray! Lady Juvia!"
"We have to talk!"
"O-OK." she answered.

Sapphire led us to the living room and we started the talk.

"What do you want to talk about?" Sapphire asked politely
"While looking for the heirlooms, we found a tapestry." Juvia stated
"The tapestry had your image on it." 

Sapphire was speechless and took a deep breathe.

"May I see the heirlooms please?" she asked.

Juvia and I placed them on top of the table. Sapphire's eyes were showing happiness.

"Ms. Sapphire?" Juvia said.
"The image on the tapestry was not me." Sapphire said.
"Then who was it?" I asked.
"She was my elder sister, Lady Esmeralda Walker." Sapphire answered.
"So, she is the owner of all these?" I asked
"Yes. And she passed them down to me." She answered back
"Can we talk to her?" Juvia asked.
"I'm afraid not." Sapphire answered, looking at her necklace, avoiding eye contact.
"Why?" I asked.
"Esmeralda-nee-sama... passed away... 12 years ago." Sapphire finally said.
"Oh. I'm so sorry." Juvia said.
"It's alright." she said.
"If its not a burden to you, what is the reason of her passing?" I asked with curiosity.
"Gray!" Juvia hissed.
"It's alright." Sapphire stated.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yes. Esmeralda-nee-sama was throwing a ball there because it was her 18th birthday. I was only 6 years old at that time. On that evening, she showed me 7 necklaces. She said that all those necklaces were given to her by our ancestors and proves our line. Nee-sama told me that once I reach 18, I will posses all of these, but on that night, everyone was murdered in front of me. Leaving me and Nee-sama the last people to flee but she was brutally killed in front of me... "

Sapphire's eyes were in the brink of crying. Juvia walked near to her and comforted her. "We're sorry." said she.

Moments later, the door swung open and Lucy, Natsu and Happy came in, all looking flabbergasted. Lucy was holding a wooden box.

"Took you guys long enough." I said.
"We only found one." Happy said sadly.
"Juvia found 3 and Gray found 3 as well." Juvia stated.
"Um, Juvia I think you are talking different." Lucy pointed out.
"Juvia knows that but Juvia likes to talk this way." Juvia answered back.
"I see." Lucy said.
"WAIT! If you guys found the 6 heirlooms..." Natsu said.
"Then..." Happy stated.
"We found the 7th heirloom..." Lucy stamered.
"Yes." Juvia said.
"You guys found the 7th and LAST heirloom." I said.

Lucy's mouth hang open, Natsu and Happy collapsed down. 

"Well. At least you found one." Sapphire said.
"I guess so." Lucy said.
"Thank you for finding the heirlooms." Sapphire stated.
"You're welcome Ms. Sapphire." Juvia and Lucy said in unison.
"Here. Your payment." said she.

Ms. Sapphire stood up and gave each of us 50,000 Jewels each.

"Thank you so much!!" Lucy said as she hugged her.
"It was nothing." Sapphire said with a smile.

We chatted with her one last time and finally, we went to the train station. Of course, she tagged along.

@ Sycca Train Station 

 Sapphire looked at us sadly.

"So, I guess this is goodbye?" Sapphire said sadly.
"I guess so." Natsu said.
"It was nice to meet all of you." said she.
"It was nice meeting you too Ms. Sapphire." Juvia said.
"You don't have to address me with 'Ms.' Lady Juvia." said she.
"Then dont address me as Lady." Juvia pointed out.
"I can't. Esmeralda-nee-sama told me to ALWAYS address guests Lady or Sir." Sapphire said.
"O-OK." Lucy answered.
"Well, we'll be leaving now." I said.
"Bye Ms. Sapphire" Happy said.
"Farewell everyone." she said.
We bid her good bye and boarded the train.

We seated near a window where we could see her. Natsu on the other hand is looking sick. 

Then the train moved. Not long, Sapphire ran along looking at us. "Sayonara! Minna! Aregato for everything!" she cried.

We wave goodbye to her once more and she stopped and waved to us...

Who knows, maybe we will meet again soon.

All I know is that Flame Brain looks disgusting and is about to throw up. "I- I don't think I'm gonna make it!" he said.


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