First Encounters

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   "And I told you, Missy, that I want his whereabouts NOW! And I get what I want! Now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. You pick." Black Mask yelled at me, pointing the gun to my head. I was tied to an office chair, the ones that can spin around. As he finished his last couple of words, I kicked of, spinning my leg right into his knee cap. He stumbled backwars, but kept his balance. 

   "Well, crap. k was planning on that...Better knock that one off the ol' list. Oh and Roman..." I said.

   "Thats Sir  to you, brat!" He yelled again.

   "Ok, Roman, please remind me what I'm doing here. I kinda zoned out during your little ramble." I told him. Sure, I was terrified right now, but if he saw that he would contort my fears into a reality. For christ's sake he had a freaking aligator! He bought it just to use as a torture mechinism.

   We were up in his main office, in the Sionis Industries building. He re-yelled why I was there. Apperently, my brother from another mother (really, he's my half brother on my dad's side) worked for Roman, and then stole 78,000$ worth of jewls from him. I knew he was fleeing to Canada, but I wasn't ready to give Roman the info. I hated my brother. I want to see him torn apart. But someone needs to show this guy that life wont come easy to him if he keeps acting like this. And I knew something else. Someone was coming to have a chat with Roman. The Red Hood. I knew him. Sure, we had never met, but living in Crime Alley, I've seen him a few times. And one thing that he hates is Black Mask or Roman or whatever you call him. ANd I knew that he would come right through those doors in 




  The doors flew open, and the shooting started. Roman shoved me to the ground, my head slamming onto the suprisingly soft rug. I could hear Red Hood and Roman both shouting insults at eachother. And that was great for me. To be honest, I was never tied up. I picked through the handcuffs in seconds. I just mad it look like I was still cuffed to the chair. I untangled myself, and ten went to work. I picked up the office chair above my head Lion Kind style, and hurled it at ROman. I hit him in the chest area, knocking him to the ground.

   "If the rest of you want to continue to live, leave now." Roman's men looked at eachother, before bolting out the door. Red Hood barricaded the door shut, making it just me, him, and Black Mask, who was still lying on the floor in pain from a bullet wound and a chair.

   "You in his little.." Red Hood said to me as I interuppted his sentence.

   "You really think I'd work for a scumbag like him? He tried to murder me, teice may I say." I told him. I was not about to get shot by this guy. I walked over to Roman, with my head held high, and kicked him right in the crotch. He let out a raspy squeal. Red Hood started to approach him as I un-barricated the door. i could see Red Hood on his knee, the other foot on Roman's neck, whispering something to him. Most likley a threat. As I started to walk away out of the room, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whipped around, and saw Red Hood standing very, very close to me.

   "Hey, if he ever does something to you, just walk down the main Crime Alley. I'd be glad to whoop his ass again." He told me. I told him okay, and walked out of there, not know what just happened. But what did know is that I liked it, a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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