Chapter 1- Cold

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I shivered and covered my arms. I was in a fancy gray coat and dark blue jeans, on my feet I was wearing brown leather boots and on my hands were white mittens and on my head is a white knitted hat my grandmother gave me. I was standing beside a tree in a park, I wait for my mother to come back but I get really worried and scared every minute that comes, and now I'm sad tears came from my eyes. But didn't slide down my face, they stay froze from the cold breeze, that's how freezing it is.

I sighed and shivered even more, as my breath showed a cold smoke from my mouth. I want to sit down but I will be buried in the snow from this bad snowstorm. All of sudden my nose began running and my eyes couldn't see anymore, I don't know if I had been walking but the place where I am sorta looks different. I can't believe my mom left me here. I want to be back with my dad, but he's out of town and the only place I can go to is my grandmothers house. But it's far at the other side of London.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder when I jumped around and shivered again. There was a boy in front of me now, covering his arms with his hand and he titled his head and looked at me. I couldn't see his face but I heard his voice.

"Are you okay? You've been standing out here for an hour." He said. I still starred at him, looking for words to say back.

"Here. You need this." He took out something from his neck, now I could see the look on his face. He wrapped something warm around my neck and I knew that it was a scarf. I looked back at him and mouthed thank you. His face though...his hazel eyes were actually visible and very beautiful, his hair was...well it look like it was neatly styled and pulled to the sideways but the wind made it blow all over and I guess his actual hair is curls. How cute...He was also thin and kinda taller than me. But he looked like the same age.

"Where are your parents?" He asked.

"My mother left me here, I'm waiting until she comes back." I replied. He shook his hand and closed his eyes.

"I don't think she's gonna come back..." He muttered. I looked at him confused.

"What?" I ask. He shook his head again and grabbed my hand.

"You can come to my house while your waiting for your mum. You shouldn't be freezing up here." He said. He continued grabbing my arm and I let him but my eyes became blurry, not from the wind though and I feel lightheaded. Then everything blacked out...



Unknown Boy: MIKA
Emily: Mandy Moore

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