As she was pulling a pan down from its place hanging above the stove she felt a pain and another one when she was melting the lard on the stove top for the eggs. She had another when she was mixing up the oak cakes. It didn't occur to her that today might be the day until Joshua came down and she realized they were getting a little harder and coming pretty often. She didn't want to alert Joshua so she continued fixing breakfast as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

Joshua kissed her on the cheek. "Good morning." he told her.

"Good morning, Joshua." she said and quickly went back to whisking the eggs. She knew that it could be false labor and she didn't want to get anyone excited over nothing.

Joshua watched her as she whisked the eggs and fried the oak cakes. She was walking a little stiff and he watched as her entire body tensed every few minutes. He was worried that she was doing to much and said so. "Payton, do you think you are loading yourself down with to much? It's almost time for the baby and you should be resting instead of up trying to take care of everything."

Payton flipped an oak cake and stirred the eggs now cooking on top of the stove. She was concentrating on letting this pain pass. She was sure if she tried to speak her voice would betray her. She was afraid she couldn't keep the pain out of her voice. Finally the pain subsided and she turned around to smile at her husband. "Don't worry about me." she told him. "Doris has taken over so many of my chores. I do so very little now. I almost feel useless..."

Joshua pulled on his suspender straps and eyed her carefully. He was sure she wasn't going to tell him if she was taking on to much. He would be so glad when the baby came. So much of this worry would be off his mind.

"Joshua," she said from the stove, "Do you mind going up and waking the children for me? Breakfast is almost ready and by the time they come down it will be on the table."

Joshua eyed her. She had never asked him to leave the table to tend to the children... She had never really asked him to tend to the children ever.... Joshua felt  sick. She was taking on more than she could handle. Joshua would be sure and speak to Doris today about this.

Joshua, who had been leaning against the wall stood up. He walked over to his wife and studied her. "Payton?"

"Hmmm?" she asked smiling and trying hard to hide the pain from her face as another wave of pain hit her. Her stomach tightened and her back ached. She pretended the food needed her attention and turned her face from him.

His brows furrored, "You've never asked me to tend the children before..." he told her watching her very careful for any sign of fatigue.

"OH, I can do it...." she said praying she could make it up the stair with this pain.

"No, no." he said placing a hand on her shoulder, "I only meant tat you say your not taking on to much and then you send me to fetch the children..."

Finally the pain was going away. She took a deep breath. "I'll get them..." she turned to leave but he took hold of her shoulders.

"No. I don't want you doing the laundry today either. Doris can do it...."

Payton gasp, "Joshua!" she cried, "I can't expect Doris to take on all of my duties. I am your wife and their mother..." she said, her finger pointed to the rooms above them where the children slept. "It is my duty to take care of this family..."

Joshua sighed, "Do you know you are one stubborn woman?" he asked just before he turned and left to fetch the children.


Tommy pushed the shirt up and down the rub board. "Why do I have to do this? It's girls work!" he cried.

"Up and down Tommy. Rub it hard. We don't want any stains left on that shirt." she said as she stirred the boiling water. Hannah was in charge of wringing out the clothes Tommy gave her. Payton smiled at her son, "You have to do this because I need your help. Girl's work or not."

The Reason For Grace (Sequel to A Reason To Stay)Where stories live. Discover now