A Day With The Girls

Start from the beginning

I walk in, and spot the dress section. I make my way over there. I've never been one for dresses, but for tonight, it was worth it.

I spot the perfect dress. One I know Louis will love. It's knee's length, with baby blue and white vertical stripes going as high until it reaches the stomach. Above it's just plain white with 3 white small buttons. On the back is a blue and white bow that you have to tie. "This one." I say to myself. "This one is the one."

"Jillian? There you are!" Britney says as her gaze meet mine. She walks up to me, followed by Gabi and Trish. "It's 1:00, and the girls and I want to help you get ready for your date."

"Okay." I say as I walk up to the cashier to buy the dress.

"Is that what you're getting? It's so cute!" Trish says as give my cash to the cashier.

"I thought Louis may like it." I say as we walk out and head to the parking lot.

"He will! And I already have an idea for you're hair and makeup! Eeekkkk! We're so ready to play dress up with a life size Barbie!" I laugh at Trish's weirdness, and hop in the backseat, along with Gabi, while Trish sits in the passengers seat, and Britney sits in the drivers seat.


"You're make up is so pretty! Take a look at it!" Gabi says as she gives me a mirror to look at. She gave me sparkly whit eye shadow to go with my dress. My lips are a dark shade of pink, my lips being in a perfect estate.

"Thank you." I smile warmly at Gabi.

"And look at your beautiful hair!" Trish exclaims. I look at my dark brown hair which has turned into a fish tail braid. Usually I keep it down, I quite like my wavy hair. But, I also love this style on me too.

"Thank you, Trish." I smile at her too.

"Hmmph! What do I get to do?" Britney asks me, her arms crossed. "You already have a dress picked out!"

She is usually the one that picks out my outfit. That's her part in the project. "Find some shoes for me." I say.

"Okay, princess!" She sarcastically says, as I giggle at her comment. She looks through my closet, and comes out with my pair of white florescent toms. "These are perfect." She says as she hands them out to me.

"Thank you, peasant." I say as she gasps in horror.

"Me?! A peasant? If anything, I'd be the princess and you'd be the peasant!" She says as we all laugh at her silliness.

"What time is it?" I ask no one in particular.

"It's sev-" Gabi starts, but a doorbell interrupts her. Trish and Britney immediately look at each other, and in unison say "I GOT IT!" They both run downstairs, one fighting the other to see who opens the door first.

Aw, geez.

I walk downstairs to find two girls casually stand at the door frame. Funny. One second they're crazy mofos, the next they're casually having a conversation. They're talking in hushed voices, but once they hear me, they turn and put a smile on their faces. "There she is!" Trish says.

I walk to the door, and man. Can Louis clean up nice. He's wearing a white t shirt with a black blazer and black jeans. "You look amaZayn, (he didn't actually say that, I just had to do it), as usual." He says as he puts his arm out.

I wrap my arm around his, and say, "You don't look to bad yourself." Louis chuckles, and leads me down the stairs.

"Bye!" Gabi says.

"Have fun!" Trish says.

"Remember, it never hurts to be safe!" Britney says. I turn around and scoff at her. They all giggle and close the door behind them.

Louis opens the door for me, as I thank him and hop in. He follows me lead, and starts the engine. "What exactly did Britney and Trish say to you when they answered the door?" I asked him.

"Mmm... They said if I hurt you in any way possible, they will dig a hole personally themselves and bury my living body in there." He casually says.

"My god." I groan as we make our way to our destination


YAY! Jillian's in love with Loooouuuuiiiisss! Louis' in love with Jilllliiiaaaaannnn! They're gonna live happily ever afffttteeeerrrr! Yeah, no. There is no such thing as happily ever after. Sorry to break it to you Disney fans, but those stories are lies!

Lol, I'm so excited for Sunday! The Story Of My Life vid comes out! Woooohooooo! These boys have come so far, I'm so glad I'm with them every step they take, it's incredible. The 3 albums, the movie, the perfume, the book, it's crazy! I'm so happy for them!

My fave trends this week:


And Jillian wanted me to change the ship name. The new one is (drum roll plz)






I like #Jouis better, but whatever...

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~Ashlyn Malik

P.S. For now on, I'm calling you guys my crazy mofos!

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