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Alan P.O.V

I woke up naked in the middle of a very comfortable bed. I wiped my eyes and realized I was in Rocky's room. I smiled and remembered what happened last night.

I am dating Rakim Mayers.

We had sex in a dressing room.

Had some more sex at his place.

Rocky came out of the bathroom with his boxers on. He plopped on the bed and laid next to me. I looked at him while tracing his " A$AP " tattoo. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

" So Alan ... " He said.

" So Rocky... " I mocked.

" If I asked you to model some A$AP merch would you? " He said.

" Duh "

" If I asked you to get an A$AP tattoo would you ?" He said. I laughed. This nigga must be playing.

" That's a pretty serious move, and in all honestly I don't know if I trust you enough to get a tattoo that involves you. " I said. He dropped my hand.

" Bet. " He said. "I gotta get dressed I need to go to the studio. I can call an uber for you. There is clean underwear, sweats, and a tank top are on the chair next to the night stand. " He said while getting up off of the bed. I looked at Rocky, and then I looked behind me.

He is trying me.

" Umm." I put my hands together. " Why do you have bras and panties and shit in here? "

" I have them for my breezies." He shrugged. I nearly gagged.

" So I'm just a breezie ? "

" Clearly not if I asked you out. I can't ever win with you can I?"

" Nigga you're trying to give me underwear that you have set aside for your hoes. You don't think that's lowkey disrespectful? All cause you got an attitude over a tattoo? But I'm trippin', oh okay."

"Ion got time for arguing real talk." He started towards the bedroom door. "I'll call you an uber. Text me. Maybe we can link later. "

I was about to tell him how immature he was being, but I decided to just leave and tell him about himself later. If we want to make this relationship work, things like this can't happen.

"Fuck yo uber and fuck yo clothes. I'm calling Cleo. Bye." I got up and put on my clothes from yesterday. I will shamefully get in Cleo's car with my dirty clothes before I get in those whore clothes and into an uber.

"Yikes." Cleo said as we rode back to our building. "Fighting already?"

"I'm convinced this nigga just likes fighting at this point." I crossed my arms over my chest and Cleo laughed.

"I don't think so. I think y'all just need to work on communication."

"You're probably right." I shrugged my shoulders. "Relationships are complicated."

"Yes, but if you want them to work they can."

"I think you should talk to him." Cleo said as we turned onto our hall. "Just allow time for each of you to calm down."

"Okay okay. I will." I said. When we approached my door, Sam was standing there waiting. I nearly pissed my pants when I saw him. I have not talk to Sam since that dull date. He has been texting me, calling me, but I haven't said anything. I didn't know what to say. I know that I really lame but like how do you tell someone that they are boring?

"Hey Sam." I said with my teeth closed. He didn't seem amused.

"Oh so now it's Hey Sam?" He said. "You've been ignoring me for damn near a month. Not to mention I get on Instagram and I see you and Rocky?"

"I mean...yea. That's my dude. " I said.

"You couldn't tell me that?" His voice startled to escalate.

"Lower your voice. You and I went on one date. I am not required to call you back. If I was interested I would have."

"Pathetic." He laughed.

"What? I was supposed to call you and tell you I had a boring ass time? Yo you need to dip. Real talk."

"Yo-" Cleo cut him off.

"Sam you heard her. Leave. Now." She said. He looked at her and then shook his head. I was a little surprised that Cleo defended me because that's her friend, but at the same time he is tripping.  He left and then Cleo rolled her eyes.

"Girl I am sorry. I did not know he was crazy." Cleo said. I laughed.

"I'm not even worried about him. It is not your fault. I'm about to shower and take a nap. I will text you and let you know how it goes with Rakim later.

"Cool. Bye sis."

When I woke up from my nap I felt a lot better than I did prior. My morning was ridiculous. I did not plan on getting into it with Rocky, and I definitely did not plan on even talking to Sam. I decided to send Rocky a text. I didn't want to fight with him, and I was kind of confused and why we were fighting to begin with.


What are you doing?


Minding my business




I'm on the way.

I rolled my eyes at the message. I decided to make tacos. I was hungry, and that would be quick and easy. I don't know if Rocky is hungry, but if he is then there will already be food ready.

I was straining when the meat when Rocky knocked on the door. I skipped to the door and let him in.

"Hey" I said.

"Wassup." He said. I let him in and went back to the kitchen. He sat at the bar.

"You eat?" I asked.

"Nah I didn't."

"Alright. Do you want tacos?"

"That's cool."

I fried the tortillas and then we each made a couple of tacos. We sat down at my table and silently ate. I could tell we each had something to say, but I decided to break the ice first.

" I felt disrespected earlier." I said. He looked at me and waited for me to continue. "I did not like the fact that you were giving me things you had set aside for your hoes or whatever. I really didn't like the fact that you were trying to send me home in an uber either. It didn't make me feel like your girlfriend."

"Okay. I admit, that was childish of me. I was upset over the tattoo. Honestly, not even the tattoo. I was mostly upset because you said you didn't really trust me. How are we supposed to have a relationship without trust? I trust you. It was upsetting to see that those feelings weren't reciprocated." He said.

"I guess I still just worry if your feelings are genuine. I don't want to let my guard down and you just decide that you don't want this anymore." He grabbed my hands

"Alan I'm in this. I know I'm not perfect but I'm trying." He said. I smiled.

"Okay. I got you. I'm sorry." I said. He kissed my hands.

"Don't be sorry. I'm sorry." He said.

"You see how much easier that was? If we want us to work we have to communicate." I said. Once we actually used our words, I was able to understand him and vice versa. We don't have to always go from zero to one hundred.

"You're right. Let's work on that."

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