4. The Sorting

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The train ride had been pretty uneventful. Some of the witches and wizards had wanted to talk to them just because they were new students, and American, but most of them just stuck with their groups of friends. Except one, who had bombarded them with questions about American life and what their school had been like back home. She had kept talking to them until two of her annoyed looking friends had dragged her away.

The demigods took up 2 whole compartments on the train, and while there was a little small talk every few minutes, they mostly stayed quiet, thinking about what their lives would be like for the rest of the school year.

The only thing that had been interesting about the train ride was the way they accessed the train. Frank hadn't expected them to have to run through platform 9 3/4 to get to it, but what's new?

Frank thought about something Chiron had told them, that it would be best to keep their true identities a secret. Something about "building up a mutual trust before telling the truth".

Frank hoped that the wizards did trust them though, whoever it was they were looking for. While Camp Jupiter was doing just as fine as ever, it still hurt Frank to see the other camp doing so bad.

And who's to say Camp Jupiter wasn't next?


When the train arrived at the school, Annabeth found herself staring up at it in wonder.
The architecture of the castle was amazing! It was no Olympus, but definitely one of the most beautiful buildings she had ever seen. She had been curious as to what the school would look like, and she was definitely pleased with what she saw.

The students were put in groups based on their years. The first years made their way to the castle by going across a huge lake, which Percy seemed to be more impressed with than the actual school.

The demigods followed the other seventh years to the school, which they made their way to by riding carriages pulled by odd horse like creatures, which looked violent but were actually very gentle.

The inside of the castle was even more stunning than the outside. The other seventh years went into the Great Hall and each took seats at different tables. The demigods were told to wait outside of the room to be sorted after the first years.

"Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," a lady with graying brown hair and a black robe appeared in front of them "I am Professor McGonagall, the headmistress and transfiguration teacher."

The first years and demigods stared at her, waiting for her to continue.

"You are about to be sorted into one of four houses. Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin. Here, your house will be like your family. Your achievements will earn you points, rule breaking will lose you points. The house with the most points at the end of the year will win the house cup."

Annabeth turned to look at Leo, the Stolls, and Percy. Whatever house they were in would definitely lose. Though she did wish to be in the same one as Percy.

They followed McGonagall into the great hall, where the headmistress gave a short speech and an old, dirty hat was brought out. It sang a song which presented what each house stood for. The first years were then sorted. Each house seemed to get an equal amount of new members.

Now, it was the demigods' turn.

"As many of you know, we have a surprise this year. Fourteen witches and wizards from America will be attending Hogwarts. Please make them feel welcome and at home," McGonagall announced.

She then started calling names from a scroll. Annabeth was first. She thought it was odd having a hat placed on her head that could read her mind, but she had seen stranger things. The hat seemed extremely frightened of the terrible things that were to be found deep in her head. She knew it was probably because of the visions of Tartarus.

After a few seconds, the hat yelled "RAVENCLAW" and one table burst into chears. Annabeth was happy with this result, as it was the house of wisdom. She was doubtful that Percy would be sorted there, though.

The ceremony lasted for about ten more minutes. By then, the demigods were all sorted into their houses. Jason, Percy, Clarisse, and Hazel were sorted into Gryffindor; Katie and Miranda were sorted into Ravenclaw; Frank and Will were sorted into Hufflepuff; and Leo, Piper, Nico, and the Stolls were sorted into Slytherin.

Within minutes, food had appeared on the tables, and the feast had started.


Four of the new American students; Percy, Jason, Hazel and Clarisse were sitting across from us. Harry and Ginny were currently in the middle of their own conversation, while Ron was wolfing down a piece of chicken. I, however, really wanted to get to know the newcomers.

"I'm Hermione, and that's Ron, Harry, and Ginny," I introduced. "Do you like it here so far?"

"Love it," Percy answered. "Great food."

Ron looked up at Percy, with a look that said 'this guy knows what he's talking about'.

"They big on Quidditch in America?" He asked.

Hermione noticed them share a brief confused look. Did they not know what Quidditch was? At their age? How odd.

"No," Jason answered quickly. "No, we don't take it as seriously as you guys do in Europe."

"Really? That's weird." Ron said as the new students shot Jason a look that almost looked like a 'thank you'.

Hermione stared at them, confused. She knew for a fact that Quidditch was well known in America, as it was all over the world, and she knew that Ron did too. She couldn't help but wonder what that was about.

Sorry if you don't agree with the houses, as this is pretty much what I personally think.

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