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As time progressed, I realized how much I needed both Eren and Levi in my life. After I had that vision, everything changed. Eren, Levi, and I all sat down and discussed what happened. We all said things that were on our mind and soon enough we made up and we're back to being friends.

Except for Levi and I. We were so much more than friends. After we reconciled, Levi pulled me aside and told me he couldn't live without me. And I knew I couldn't live without him either. So we started dating. I had already, by this time, told both Eren and Levi what happened in my vision and they both assured me it was never going to be that way.

So after that, things were great. Of course I was weary of Armin but considering it was only a dream like vision, he wasn't really a psychopath.

The big surprise was when Eren came out and told us he was gay and that he reciprocated Armin's feelings. Everyone was both shocked and happy for the two. Eren seemed so happy and it made both Levi and I glad.

That led us up to where we were now. Eren, Armin, Levi, and I were all at the carnival that had stopped in our town. Eren and Armin had went off to the love rides while Levi and I played some classic carnival games.

"Alright (Y/N). Which one do you want?" Levi said as he looked at all the different prizes hanging up.

"Well first of all you have to win, but assuming you do, I want that big panda!" Levi scoffed and crossed his arms.

"You don't believe in your boyfriend? That hurts." I giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"C'mon Levi you can do it." The game he was playing was simple. All he had to do was throw a ball and knock down all the milk jugs. Simple right?

"Here I go." Levi held the ball in his hand with a tight grip and threw it right at the jugs. Somehow, it had missed and almost decapitated the stall tender.

"OI! If you're going to try to kill me take your money somewhere else!!" I busted out laughing as Levi started blushing in embarrassment. He ran his hand through his hair and nodded to the guy.

"One more."

"Levi you can do it!" I exclaimed as he took the ball into his hand once again.

He threw it and once again, missed. He growled and glared at the still standing jugs.

"Hey Levi, can I try?"

"Yeah whatever. It's not like you can get it eit-" Before he could finish, I whipped the ball at the jugs and hit them straight on. They fell to the floor and the stall tender blew his whistle.

"We got us a winner! You said the panda? Here you go!" He handed it to me and I squealed and hugged it in delight.

"Hey Levi loo- LEVI?!" I screeched as Levi had frozen in place. He was shocked and was still staring at the fallen jugs.


"I can't believe you beat it. You're amazing..." He turned to me and stared into my eyes before giving me a deep, French kiss.

"Hey break it up! No PDA!" A familiar voice said behind us. I turned around to see Eren and Armin holding hands while eating ice cream.

"Says the person who's holding their boyfriend's hand!" I yelled in playful anger.

"Blah blah blah. C'mon the fireworks are staring soon." I turned and held Levi's hand while holding my panda in the other. We followed Eren and Armin until we found a spot on the hill right below where the fireworks were going to be set off.

"Here, let's lay on this." Levi spread out his jacket so we could lay together.

"Thanks babe." I said softly as I watched him lay down first and then hold out his arms.

"C'mere you." I giggled and jumped into his arms, cuddling my face into his chest.

"This is so nice." Levi said quietly.

"What is?"

"Being here, with you. I never thought I'd even get to talk to you again after what happened when we were younger. I have always loved you more than anything else in the entire world and to finally be able to say you're mine. It's really, really nice." I leaned up and looked into his grey eyes, the ones I loved deeply and truly.

"I love you Levi."

"I love you too (Y/N)." I leaned my head down and closed my eyes. As soon as our lips connected, the fireworks went off. As I felt Levi's lips against mine, not only could I feel the fireworks outside, but I could also feel the fireworks in my heart.


Levi Ackerman and The Girl Who Stole His Heart (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now