Chapter 7: Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid.

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Three days passed by quickly. Today was the day Eren would be returning to school, but I was extremely upset with him. Why didn't he tell me all of those things? Why did he hide such an important part of my childhood? I deserved to know, and he hid it all for his own selfish reasons.

I was sitting beside Levi in our first class of the day when Eren walked into the room. His eyes searched for mine and as soon as he seen me, he came running over to me.

"(Y/N)!" I looked up at him and glared at him,

"Why are you here? Get to your seat, Jaeger." Eren looked at me with widened eyes. He seemed thoroughly confused. Eren then glanced at Levi and watched as he simply smirked and turned to me, while saying,

"Hey, how about you and I go out to eat tonight? To celebrate our..friendship." Levi said while staring at me. I smiled and nodded.

"Alright, I'll take you up on that." Levi smiled and looked up at Eren, who was still standing beside me.

"Great." Eren cursed and walked back to sit in his seat. He was confused, very confused and his face clearly showed it.

I turned to look at Levi once more and asked,

"Okay be honest, was that for real or where you just trying to rev up hard head back there?" Levi crossed his arms and shrugged,

"He deserves it and you know it. All this time he's kept your memories locked away." I looked down at my desk with my eyebrows furrowed. A part of me didn't like the fact that I was being so mean to him, but on the other hand I was angry with him and wanted him to feel the same pain I was feelings at that moment.

I shook my head and tried to get all the negative thoughts out of my head. I simply turned my head to the front and focused on the teacher who had just walked into the room, completely unaware about the shocking news that was soon to come.

(Time Skip)

After class, I walked back to my locker to get my books for my next class. While I was getting my books, Eren came up to me and asked quickly,

"(Y/N) what the hell?! I leave for three days and suddenly your best buddies with that asshole?" I stayed quiet for a second before I slammed my locker door shut so I could look at Eren.

"That asshole used to be my best friend until I got into an accident and forgot him because of amnesia. You had NO right to keep that away from me, no matter what you thought was best for me." Eren's eyes were filled with hurt, and it was hard to look into them. He suddenly said in a quivering voice,

"(Y/N) he...he let you get hurt. I'm the one who's always been there for you! He doesn't know you like I do! He doesn' you like I do.." My eyes widened at his last statement. Before I could react, Eren had brought his face closer to mind and tried to kiss me. Just as his lips were about to touch mine, I turned away. Eren stopped and looked down with a sigh.

"Eren I.."

"(Y/N) stop. I know you don't feel the same way. I just..wanted you to know." Eren then walked away from me. I watched him go and said quietly,

"All this time, I never knew. I'm sorry Eren..but you're my best friend..and that's all you'll ever be."

A/N: WheLP

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