Chapter 11: A Horrible Spark.

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They sat with their two friends as they secretly watched (Y/N) and Levi talk a ways away from them at another table.

They glanced over to Eren, who was trying not to let his anger get the best of him.

"Eren..don't look at them." The person said to Eren as they tried to get his attention away from those two.

"It hurts. I just want to be loved, why can't I just get what I want for once?" They listened to Eren and thought in their head,

"Now you're understanding how I feel."

They smiled slightly and patted Eren on the back.

"I just want you to know that I am always going to be here for you, despite what happens between you and (Y/N)." Eren looked down and smiled.

"Thanks, I knew I could always count on you." The person's heart sped up at Eren's smile.

"Oh Eren." They thought admiringly.

They smiled to themselves and thought,

"This is going extremely well, I just need to add more fuel to the fire, and I'll have everyone right where I want them."

A/N: Plot twist, It was actually Ted Cruz.

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