9 years old, 4th grade, musical chairs

Start from the beginning

"I'm not!" he protests.

Mae and Georgia cross the finish line and come over to me. "You're just lucky, I'm going to win the next games," huffs Mae walking past me and Jeff with Georgina following her like a lost puppy. 

"No, she won't," I laugh. Jeff laughs with me and we get off the track to wait for the next group to race. After they raced it was time for musical chairs. Everyone circles around a huge circle of chairs. The music starts and we all walk around the chairs, each of us waiting for the music to stop. Finally, the music stops and everyone automatically sits in the closest chair. I go to sit in a chair next to Jeff when Mae PUSHED ME OFF!!! MY BUTT ALREADY TOUCHED THAT CHAIR ITS MINE!! "I sat there first!," I cry out.

"Yeah, cheater!" Jeff stands and shoves her off the chair.

"MR. JUN JEFFERY PUSHED ME!!!," screams Mae.

"What's going on over here?!," demands Mr. Jun storming over to us.

"Mae pushed me off my chair!," I whine.

"Then Jeff shoved me off!" cries Mae.

"Enough! All three of you! Go over there and sit! No talking! And no pie eating contest!," Jeff and Mae go over without complaint, but I stay where I am.

"Why me?! I didn't do anything! I was the one who got pushed!," I bawl.

"Because Daria you provoked her, now move!," he commands as I sit there and cry.

"No!," I scream. Everyone gasps, no one says no to Mr. Jun when it comes to time out. Mr. Jun stares at me mad then grabs my hand and takes me far away from everyone else, I protest the whole way.

"You will stay here until you calm down," he sets me down and I cry more.

"I'll have my Daddy get you! You'll regret this!," I scream. He only rolls his eyes and goes back to everyone else. Eventually, I calm down and look over at Mr. Jun, smiling evilly, he will regret this, Dad will get him. I watch the pie eating contest then it's time to line up. I stand and go over to Jeff, he looks about as upset as I am.

"I'm sorry I got us in trouble Daria," he whimpers as I help him up.

"It's okay," we hug then go in line. When we get back to the classroom, it's time to go home so Jeff and I grab our backpacks. When we go to leave we hear our names.

"Jeffery, Daria, please come here," states Mr. Jun. We take nervous looks at each other and walk over. Mae is with Mr. Jun, she's not happy either. "Mae what do you say to Daria?," asks Mr. Jun.

"I'm sorry," she huffs gritting her teeth.

"Jeffery?" Jeff groans.

"I'm sorry for shoving you Mae," he rolls his eyes.

"Good. Daria, do you have anything you want to say to me?," I glare at him fiercely.

"EAT A POOP COVERED SOCK!," I scream and run out of the school with Jeff following me. We run until we're far away from the school.

"That was awesome Daria!," Jeff high fives me grinning.

"Thanks, Jeff!," I giggle.

"You wanna come over to my house?!," asks Jeff. "My brother Liu wants to meet you!"

"How old is Liu?," I question.

"He's 12, but he's awesome!" cheers Jeff.

"Okay! Yeah, I'll come over! Just let me tell my Dad," he nods and I dig through my bag for my cell phone. I click on 0 for my Dads speed dial.

"Demon? Is everything alright?," asks Dad worriedly.

"Yes, Dad I'm fine!" I giggle. "I was just wondering if I can hang out at Jeff's house for a while." There's silence as he thinks about it.

"Alright, be back by nine though or I'm sending out all of your Uncles," he chuckles.

"Okay thanks, Daddy!," I hang up and beam at Jeff. "He said yeah but I have to be home by nine or my Uncles come get me," I giggle.

"Okay come on!" we run to his house and go inside. "Mom I'm home!" calls Jeff, his mom comes out of the kitchen and smiles sweetly at us.

"Welcome home dear, who's your friend," she beams.

"This is Daria," I wave hello.

"Oh, so you're the famous Daria I've heard so much about," she grins. I blush and so does Jeff, he talks about me?

"Ma! Don't embarrass me!" he groans.

"Sorry, sweety Liu's upstairs playing his video games if you want to join him," she walks back into the kitchen.

"Thanks, mom!" we run upstairs and into a room. Inside is an older boy, he has green eyes and brown hair like Jeff's hair except a little darker. He's playing video games on his bed and is paying no mind to us.

"Liu!," yells Jeff tackling him.

"Jeff you made me lose!" he moans.

"Sorry bro," he giggles. 

"It's all good," he chuckles. Then he notices me. "Who's the girl?" he asks.

"I'm Daria! Jeff's friend," I blush sheepishly since it's my first time meeting an older boy.

"Nice ta meet ya!," he hugs me, I blush more and push him away.

"Let's play games!" declares Jeff.

"Yeah!," we all grab controllers and decide on playing Minecraft. We play for a few hours until it's time for me to go home.

"Are you sure you don't want us to walk you home it's pretty late," frowns Liu.

"No I'm good thanks though!," I beam and hug them both. "Night guys!," I call waving and running away from the door.

"Night Daria!," they both call back. Once I'm out of there sight I transform into my normal form and spread my wings wide. Man, this feels good. After flapping them a couple times I take a flight back to Dads mansion.

When I get there I run in and shut the door. "Dad I'm home!" I call out. He walks in not looking very pleased.

"Demon I got a very interesting call from the school stating you disrespected your teacher today, explain yourself, young lady," he crosses his arms and my eyes widen. MR. JUN CALLED MY FATHER?! GR!!!!

"Dad he put me in time out for no reason! I didn't do anything at all to deserve it! He was mean!," I whimper.

"What happened that made him mean?," sighs my Dad getting down to my level, knowing I tell the truth. I explain everything that happened between Jeff, Mae and I, also what happened after.

"I see, I think Mr. Jun, should be taught a lesson to listen to his student hm?," smirks my Dad.

"Yeah," I grin.

"How would you like to go on your first kill tonight dear?" my eyes widen in excitement.

"Yes please!," I bounce. I grew up getting killing lessons and training from my Dad.

"Alright then, let's go," my Dad picks me up and teleports out of the mansion. 

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