Lets talk

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I came out my room and came face to face with a crying Calum. He looked up and shook his head bowing down.

"What happened? I'm okay." I said shocked to see everyone as pale and upset as they were.

"God damit Ari!" Calum roared. "It's not always about you! Jemma could be loosing her baby! She might be dying as well." Calum cried.

I felt my stomach tighten and my eyes water. Is it really my fault? Why does everyone think I'm all about me?

"Calum," Ashton hissed. "I know your upset but that's not Ari's fault."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." He mumbled running his hand through his hair.

"Twice in one night, what a busy night." A doctor strode over to us smiling.

"Is Jemma okay? And the baby, is the baby okay?" Calum yelled.

"There both fine, a bit of panic over nothing, but it's better to get it all checked over to be sure. I'm sorry for any upset, you're all free to go in now."

Thank god she's okay.

"Ashton, can we go home?" I whispered.

I wasn't in the mood for staying, I couldn't be. Hearing about the near loss of a baby and being ill myself wasn't what Jemma needed or I for that matter. I wanted my bed and Ashton.

"Sure, sure. Guys, we're gonna head out. See you all when you get back." Ashton waved pulling me close to him as we walked out.


We walked in and I headed straight to our bunk. I grabbed some pyjamas and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time since it happened.

I still had dried blood on my head and nose. I also had a cut lip which made my lower lip swell up a little more. My hair was a state and my skin was all black and powdery from all the smoke.

I quickly had a shower washing all the dirt and memories away. I got Into my short shorts and tight vest top before coming out the bathroom and seeing Ashton laying on the bed in just his boxers. He was messaging people and laughing at whatever was said.

"Who you messaging?" I asked sitting down the bed.

"Calum, he said Jemma said she hopes you're okay and you forgive her for ruining your saviour moment. Also she said that it was most likely trapped wind that caused all this. Calum laughed a lot and so did I." He chuckled.

"Good old Jemma." I laughed. "I feel like I've known her since forever, I've known her three days." I got in my blanket and pulled it over me.

"Can we talk about before? In the shower?" Ashton asked looking at me.

"Yeah, I want to talk about it anyway." I nodded waiting for him to continue.

"I'm so sorry about what I said. I know you'd never cheat and I'm just so jealous of you all the time. Any guy that comes near you I feel as though they'll force you to do stuff. I love you so much Ari Clifford, I really do. I'm so sorry about everything I ever said and I'd take it all back if I could." I kissed him to shut his little rant off. "Oh, I also know you're not the jealous type now."

"Am I not?" I giggled sitting back in my seat more comfortably. "I'm always jealous, I was jealous that Jemma got to hug you but I knew she needed it. I get jealous when I see you with fans sometimes, but do you know the difference between me and you?" I asked and he shook his head, no. "I trust you a lot." I whispered.

"So do I baby girl, I trust you so much. I'm sorry I doubted you, I was having a moment."

"It's okay, I get them too." I nodded agreeing with everything he said. "Do you ever feel depressed too?" I asked stroking his bare chest with my index finger.

"Yeah, some times, not bad though. I'm just growing up I guess." He murmured his eyes drooping.

"We're in our twenties now Ashton. We've grown up." I laughed.

"I guess, but not grown to the extent of me being an adult. We never party anymore, we're like a old couple me and you." Ashton looked up and began dancing in bed.

"Dancing in bed makes you so much younger ash."

"I'm serious." He looked at me. "We should go out to a night club or something. Go to a festival and get absolutely hammered."

"I'm not really allowed to drink." I whispered not wanting to say why.

I'm still on my meds for depression and anxiety. I don't like admitting it so I just try to ignore the fact I'm on them even when I take them.

"Why? Please Ari, just once." He begged not giving up.

"Maybe." I smirked, if only he knew what was going through my mind.


I was fast asleep when a loud bang woke me up. I shot up and grabbed the nearest thing to me. Unfortunately it was a TV remote.

The noises of breathing and hissing entered the bus and I immediately grabbed my hand out for Ashton who snorted loudly before waking up. But it was too late, I'd already hit the person over the head with the remote.

"Fuck! Ari!" Luke cussed as Larissa giggled drunkenly.

"Luke! Ohmygod, it's you!" I cheered grabbing my chest and breathing deeply.

"Yeah, I'm trying to get Larissa into bed." He huffed.

"Dude, it's up to you two what you do in your spare time, don't drag innocent minds into this." Ashton laughed beside me.

"Ha! Ha! So funny." Luke laughed sarcastically. "She's pissed out of her mind and won't sit still or stop giggling. She rang me up saying some shit about how she needs me and wants me."

"Sounds like my Lissa. This is her upset, have you argued today?" I asked looking down at my old giggly drunk bestfriend.

"No, I was just busy today with the whole car crash and meeting Jemma and then looking after cal and Jemma. I haven't had time to reply."

"Ash, help Luke get her to bed." I demanded smiling sweetly.

He rolled his eyes before getting up and walking over to them, still in just his boxers. Luke eyed him up whilst Larissa felt ash up.

"Uh, do you mind not touching my boyfriend Lissa?" I asked trying to seem as pissed off as I could.

Ashton smiled knowing I was jealous. "Yeah, my bodies for one women only, I love her dearly so please don't." Ashton said proudly.

"I love my Lukey pokey." She giggled looking up at Luke who looked as shocked as I did.

Larissa saying I love you? Well I never saw this day coming. Okay. She may be drunk but drunk words speak sober thoughts right?

"Just get her to bed guys." I laughed as they waddled off struggling to carry her limp body whilst she giggled.


"Mmm, nice to see you jealous babe. I knew it would be something to do with my body." Ashton chucked flexing his muscles.

"Would you like if I helped Luke to bed with just my panties on?" I asked moving closer to his ear. "And no bra like I am now?" I whispered.

His eyes shot open and he looked at me shocked. He smirked after a few seconds and began kissing my neck.

"You know," he mumbled against my neck. "All we do is have sex since we got back together." He stated.

"We have a lot to catch up on Mr irwin." I smiled connecting my lips with his.

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